Friday, June 12, 2020

“I just want my silly dog back!”

—I said that to a nice veterinarian at Ark Veterinary Hospital and Urgent-Care.
I was referred there because my regular vet couldn’t schedule an appointment.
We were following COVID-19 protocols. I was outside in my car, and Killian was inside being diagnosed.
“I want back my lunging chick-magnet, who drags me into meeting so many pretty girls,” I could say.
Oh what a pretty dog! Followed by “Here I am talking to another pretty girl.” That contradicts my childhood.
NO PRETTY GIRL WILL TALK TO YOU;” the notorious Hilda Q. Walton. (Click the link if you need explanation.)
That’s Hilda and my Bible-beating parents, who heartily agreed I was disgusting, mainly because I couldn’t worship my holier-than-thou father.
The vet was discussing whether I could afford 300-or-more buckaroos. The actual amount was $428.50.
Four days ago Killian returned from hunting in my vast backyard, loaded with burrs and greenery, many more burrs than usual – hundreds.
He also got himself sick. He refused to eat the next four days.
He probably caught something — a nest of baby bunny-rabbits, mayhap.
Down the hatch, causing stomach-upset and nausea.
I feed him raw, but it’s freeze dried, much like kibble. “Big-Nose” appeared as soon as I opened the bag.
“Is he drinking?” “Yes.” “Urinating normally?” “Yes.” “Stools?” “Hardly anything, and very runny.” “Diarrhea?” “No.
I gave him Famotidine a few days ago, but then I stopped.”
“Famotidine is fine,” she said. “Go back to giving it to him.”
Various medicines were dispensed, including an anti-nausea injection.
“Give the dog a pill?” I exclaimed.
“I get chomped.”
“Pill-Pockets,” they advised.
“Sure,” I said; “eat the pill-pocket, then spit out the pill.
He snuck one off a cabinet — it had a pill in it, and he ate everything but the pill.”
They returned Killian to their entryway for me to pick up.
More trauma = a floor so slippery it throws the dog down.
Why are veterinary hospitals finished with a slippery floor?
Killian’s back-end is weakening, yet on a slippery floor he can’t dig in his front paws to pull himself up.
My pet-supply, which welcomes dogs with parents leashed, is the same.
And Killian wants me around. He loathes COVID-19 social distancing.
Leaving him with a vet, a complete stranger, is traumatic, especially on a slippery floor.



Blogger Unknown said...

YIKES, was all this recent? I hope Killian is doing better & at that price he should have many more years of good health.

Janet Mamula

10:00 PM  

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