“Try it and see what happens!”
Seagate-Backup-Plus is my external hard-drive (one-terabyte), USB’d to this laptop to backup.
“Time-Machine” is Apple’s backup gizmo. It backs up everything I do on this laptop. If I create a document or picture my Seagate gets it too.
It’s saved me occasionally. Sometimes I mistakenly vaporize a complete file. Like I erroneously hit ⌘-Q (quit) instead of ⌘-S (save). Stroke-survivors do that = sloppy keyboarding.
My Seagate has it from a few minutes ago = before my error. So Time-Machine can restore my file.
Never-Never Land skonked.
But “Time-Machine was unable to back up to Seagate-Backup-Plus.”
It’s happened before.
My Seagate external replaced an earlier external that had an independent power-supply. Occasionally it needed reboot. What I did was pull out the power-cord (“pull the plug”).
My Seagate doesn’t have a power-supply. I can’t disconnect.
What to do? Call my MAC guru, or engage what marbles remain after my stroke?
Seems someone told me USB plugs come powered and unpowered. Those to my printer and scanner are powered, but my keyboard and mouse are unpowered. —Still last-century = hard-wired.
The one to my Seagate was powered, as far as I knew. So pull that USB and see what happens.
It’s the way I learned everything about techno-gadgets. My hairdresser was on his phone rendering ‘pyooter-advice to a friend. “Try it and see what happens!” he said.
Last night after reconnecting everything I fired up Time-Machine. It was backing up as far as I could see. It had a blog I started a half-hour earlier.
Every time I do such a thing I remember I’m 75 years old, and run on what gray-matter remains after my stroke — seven cylinders, I always say.
“Get outta here with them computers and Smartphones,” a friend bellows.
• I had a stroke October 26th, 1993 from an undiagnosed heart-defect since repaired. I pretty much recovered. Just tiny detriments; I can pass for never having had a stroke.
• The splat-key (⌘) is Apple’s command-key.
• RE: “Seven cylinders......” —A typical Detroit V8 automobile engine has eight cylinders. Thanks to my stroke I lost one.
Labels: 'pyooter ruminations