Wednesday, July 10, 2019

“Breaking news.....”

The only television this kid watches is the NBC Evening-News with Lester Holt.
And I don’t always watch all of it, since it’s often touchy-feely toward the end. I switch to my train-videos instead.
But I dare not miss the latest 3 a.m. Tweet® from the Great White Throne in the White House.
It’s also depressing I pay Spectrum (used to be Time-Warner) 89 bazilyun dollars per month to have their video-recorder in my house.
My TV is cable, and I record that news so I can watch it during supper, which I may not get to until 9 p.m.
I was in the Canandaigua YMCA swimming-pool a few weekends ago to do balance-training on-my-own. A guy I see there fairly often remarked how CNN is always “breaking news.”
“Yeah,” I exclaimed. “The NBC Nightly News does that too.”
Since when is a chicken-barbecue “breaking news?” That’s exaggerating of course, but every broadcast starts with “breaking news.”
Used to be “breaking news” was a 15-minutes ago plane-crash. Flooding in Ohio Valley was the past couple days, but it’s “breaking news.”
Organizers of that chicken-barbecue phoned the Mighty Mezz incensed their chicken-barbecue didn’t make the front page, above-the-fold. “We even supplied a picture,” they complained. A blurry smartphone jpeg of grinning organizers shaking hands in front of a giant chicken statue.
“That’s the trouble with you guys,” they’d wail. “Too liberal! Let us take over and your readership would zoom. You’d be free of mistakes, and our chicken-barbecue would skonk Crooked Hillary.”
All of this is exaggeration of course, but there is so much “breaking news,” it’s no longer breaking news.

• RE: “my train-videos......” —I’m a railfan, and have been since age-2.
• The “Mighty Mezz” is the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, from where I retired over 13 years ago. Best job I ever had. I was employed there almost 10 years — over 11 if you count my time as a post-stroke unpaid intern. (I had a heart-defect caused stroke October 26th, 1993, from which I recovered fairly well. That defect was repaired.)


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