Sunday, December 02, 2018


I balance my checking-account fairly often; once or twice a week.
I do online banking. That account better balance; I worked at a bank long ago.
25 years ago I had a stroke, but apparently sufficient marbles are left to balance my bank-account. Bank employ was 50+ years ago.
My account has always balanced. I compare my computer balance to my online balance, adding uncharges to my computer balance. They better equal, or the bank will hear about it.
My online balance was exactly $100 less than my computer balance. That sounds like an unposted ATM transaction. It also happens two recent $100 charity donations had just cleared. I also have an online auto-deduction to my classical-music radio-station: $50 per month. $50 in the wrong column would throw me off $100.
I found this shortage four nights ago, but couldn’t down-and-dirty until two nights ago.
I screenshot three pages of my bank’s online account record, plus three more of my computer record. Trying to dance between two computer displays can’t be done.
I printed the screenshots, then circled all the $100 entries, plus the $50 auto-charges. Them $100 ATM-charges better be in my computer records. I hafta enter ‘em manually.
“I think I see it,” I whispered.
One ATM cash-dispersement wasn’t in my computer records.
Four days ago I worried I’d get a hairball — like maybe the bank screwed up. I gotta call and explain when my speech is already messy?
And imagine the bank having to parry some ignorant Limbaugh wannabee claiming rip-off?
I gotta get past that?
With my wife gone — she died over six years ago — I no longer can farm out to her.
I hafta explain I had a stroke, and may hafta have my contact repeat, or repeat myself. It’s called aphasia (that’s a link readers) = difficulty getting words out. In my case it’s slight, but it can be so bad the stroke-victim can’t speak.
If I tell my contact in advance I get tolerance. If I don’t I get anger.
It was my mistake, as it usually is. All I need to do is enter that non-entered ATM charge.
But I had to print everything to paper to search down-and-dirty. Born in the wrong century!
I find myself assessing time lost per error. Some time ago I let $10 go. $100 is worth an hour lost, but finding it took only a few minutes.

• The “classical-music radio-station” is WXXI-FM, a public-radio station out of Rochester (NY).
• I had a stroke October 26th, 1993 from an undiagnosed heart-defect since repaired. It slightly compromised my speech. (Difficulty finding and putting words together.)
• “Screenshot” is to take a computer photograph of what’s on yer screen. With MAC it’s by ⌘-shift-3-or-4 (⌘ is Apple’s command-key; apparently Windows has a similar “screenshot” function). 3 is the entire screen; 4 is a segment you define. The “screenshot” gets saved to yer desktop as a .png, and can be printed.


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