Friday, September 28, 2018


“Bob, can you unhitch that separator so we can switch to two lap-lanes?”
It was *****-the-lifeguard at the Canandaigua YMCA’s swimming-pool asking me to help move a lane separator.
“Really?” I thought. I turned toward the pool edge.
I was in the pool, and suddenly ******-****, my aquatic therapy instructor, was leaping ahead of me.
“I’ll get it,” she said. “You can join the class.”
******-**** is trying to keep ***** from being friendly?
Dream-on, Hughes. Yer wishful thinkin’ is leadin’ you astray.
Yrs Trly is a graduate of the Hilda Q. Walton School of Sexual Relations. Hilda was my neighbor and Sunday-School Superintendent growing up. Together with my Bible-beating parents she convinced me I was of-the-Devil and disgusting.
“No pretty girl will ever wanna talk to you!”
Both ***** and ******-**** are interesting, both happily married, yet neither compare to my wife.
***** is managerial, and I drove city bus. We’d be at each other’s throats in no time. ******-**** is a wonderful lady, a “liberal” like me, although she probably wouldn’t approve the label. But we’re miles apart.
Since my wife died six years ago I discovered Mrs. Walton and my parents were full-of-it. They ruined me for 65-70 years.
My wife actually liked me. She was the first female who did. That made it possible for me to avoid females. I was scared anyway.
***** was watershed. She said hello to me in passing, so I decided I should be able to get up the nerve to say hello back. Instead of walking away as I woulda done 10 years ago, I walked over and said hello.
I’m awfully glad I did. It seemed to go over well. Faire Hilda was spinning in her grave.
******-**** and I have been working together over a year. I got a new dog, and ******-**** wanted to meet my dog. Three times so far, and I always hope she shows again.
I discovered women seem to find me attractive. Not physically (are you kidding?), but easy to talk to. No macho posturing, plus I’m funny (so I’m told). I’m also old enough to be harmless, not a “dirty old man.”
So contrary to how I was brought up, I find myself attracting females. Hilda and my parents are spinning in their graves.
Was ******-**** trying to shut down *****? I don’t think so. But contrary to Faire Hilda’s angry disbelief I find I hafta allow for that.

• RE: “Two lap-lanes.....” —Part of the swimming pool gets configured for lap-swimming. Each lap-lane is defined by a floating “separator” chain. I think each lap is 50 yards. The Canandaigua YMCA’s swimming-pool is mind-boggling.
• For 16&1/2 years (1977-1993) I drove transit bus for Regional Transit Service (RTS) in Rochester, NY, a public employer, the transit-bus operator in Rochester and environs. My heart-defect caused stroke October 26th, 1993 ended that. I retired on medical-disability, and that defect was repaired. I recovered well enough to return to work at a newspaper; I retired from that almost 13 years ago.



Blogger Steven Circh said...

Speak to these women, please, Hughes, because it don't cost nothing to be friendly, with a smile and a pleasant comment. You're a harmless looking old guy with a dog. Find a harmless looking woman with a dog and you could have a dog-walking partner. Who knows?

8:22 PM  

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