Sunday, September 30, 2018

“It’s my wife’s hand”

Occasionally Yr Fthfl Srvnt fires up the Facebook of my aquatic therapy instructor.
She and I happen to be Facebook “friends,” and I’m glad we are. Although I woulda preferred Suckerbird and his lackeys not secretly troll my iPhone contacts without my permission to suggest her as a “friend.”
I like her profile picture, which is an actual photograph I “liked.” It was the first and probably last Facebook “like” I’ll ever do, born as I was during the previous century. (“We never went to no Moon!”)
I always liked that photograph. Apparently it was taken during a “Wine-Walk.” I see an easy smiler — I wish I could do that. I know other easy smilers, but they’re not photographed.
The other night I fired up another of her photographs, one of her cradling her newly born grandson. As a male, I flub mothering, but “I see my wife’s hand.” Maybe not exactly, but same veins, tendons, etc.
Long ago I photographed the hands of my wife performing the ceremonial removal of the air-conditioner bridge. We did this the end of every October, the end of the summer air-conditioning season. The whole-house AC condenser out back has an inserted “bridge” in an electrical box. If it wasn’t in, the condenser wasn’t getting current.
My wife is gone, and now I have new air-conditioning. It’s no longer the system that served 28 years. I.e. it’s no longer the original air-conditioning bridge.
So now I gotta get other ladies to show me their hands. Are they gonna look heavy like my wife’s hands? I remember being surprised her hands weren’t dainty.
Maybe they’re dainty with my aquatic instructor, but in the photograph I see my wife’s hand.

• “Suckerbird” is Mark Zuckerberg, head-honcho of Facebook.
• RE: “Aquatic therapy.....” —I do aquatic training for poor balance in the Canandaigua YMCA swimming-pool.


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