Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Scarlett models her new Easy-Walk® harness. (iPhone photo by BobbaLew.)

“I have a humble request,” I said to the middle-aged clerk at the Henrietta CountryMax.
“I know this is the third time I visited, but I’d like to swap this Extra-Large Easy-Walk harness for a Large or Medium-Large I originally purchased.”
“Well, ya got it on wrong,” the guy said. “The silver part doesn’t go on top.”
He thereupon began completely unharnessing my dog — dogs are allowed in the store.
I made it fit by shortening the part under her belly with a safety-pin. “I need an Easy-Walk that lets me adjust to the lengths I have here.”
Try to get that out understandably when I have slightly compromised speech: a stroke-effect. It’s called aphasia. Not serious, but somewhat challenging.
The guy began reinstalling the harness “correctly” (so he said).
But I didn’t think so. He ended up with the leash-loop under her belly.
The dog was wiggling; harness parts were flying this way and that!
Meanwhile, the poor guy had the store to himself. Customers were piling up. A craggy old bent-over witch complained about lack of checkouts.
“Take care of these others,” I exclaimed.
At least he had it fitting.The dog was now back on her collar-leash, so stole a dried pig-snout = $1.99.
I was pretty sure the leash-loop wasn’t supposed to be under her belly. I happened to look at the package picture, so now had it figgered out.
Gimme a few seconds to make sense of something and I usually can; prior stroke or not.
I managed to get my new railroad-radio scanner working in Altoona (PA), thinking I might not. Madness and mental jam-up have happened before.
I forked over $2.15 ($1.99 + tax), then left.
The harness was still on wrong, but at long last I had it figgered out.
I fiddled it when I got back home. It’s Extra-Large, so every strap is shortened as much as possible.
But it fits; she’s wearing it in the picture. (Leash is to left, leash-shadow is to right.)



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