Sunday, May 21, 2017

How come

“How come yer so quiet?” a friend asked.
We were at a quarterly meeting of retired Transit union-employees, mostly bus-drivers, but also mechanics.
We were discussing the Trump administration.
“Because I don’t wanna hurt feelings,” I said. “After 73 years on this planet I decided the best way to keep friends is keep my mouth shut.”
Also, my ability to carry on a conversation, an argument for example, is compromised by my long-ago stroke. It’s called aphasia, in my case difficulty getting words out.
I seem normal, but I avoid politics and religion. People get upset I don’t see things their way.
Worse yet, I’m a DEMOCRAT (Gasp!) and a BLEEDING-HEART LIBERAL. (Double-gasp!)
I cut slack after what I’ve been through — mainly my childhood.
Many Transit employees were African-American, and many of the whites were honkies. This is not to degrade honkies. Many of my best friends are honkies. I throw off surveys by answering my race is honkie.
So accusations were flying of dictatorship versus draining the swamp.
I sat quietly viewing the turmoil.
“Now you take Schumer for example. All that guy does is crave the spotlight.”
“Forcing people to get health-insurance is un-American.” (As if forced auto-insurance isn’t.)
Sorry, but a lotta what I hear is noisy blustering by Limberger-and-his-lackies. “Everything we say is TRUE.” Why can’t CONSERVATIVES question that?
What I’m more afraid of is avoiding involvement if things get hairy.
Suppose The Donald starts rounding up Muslims. I doubt he can — this nation is too used to free speech. Exterminating enemies will bomb.
The Donald is learning that already. Gumint is not a corporation. You can’t issue edicts without criticism.
Start killing media, and Congress will impeach.
What I’m most afraid of is nuclear Armageddon. Kim Jong Un is whacko. But so is The Donald with his 3 a.m. toity-tweets.
I’ll probably lose friends with this blog. Which proves I shoulda kept quiet.

• “Transit” equals Regional Transit Service, the public transit-bus operator in Rochester, NY, where I drove transit-bus for 16&1/2 years (1977-1993). My stroke October 26th, 1993 ended that. I retired on medical-disability. I recovered fairly well.
• “Limberger” is Rush Limbaugh. I call him that because I think he stinks.


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