Sunday, March 13, 2016


Last night we switched to Daylight-Savings-Time.
“Spring ahead, Fall back.”
I have three time-tellers that automatically switch.
—1) Is this laptop, which gets its time-signal from the atomic clock in Boulder, CO.
—2) Is my iPhone, which I’m told follows the satellite time-signal, also from the atomic clock, and
—3) Is my bedside alarm, which also gets the satellite time-signal.
My wife’s mother, who just turned 100, also has (had) an automatic clock. But we could never get it to tell the right time.
So much for that gizmo!
My wife, who died almost four years ago, had a Windows PC, since her work was based on Windows PC.
My computer is a Mackintosh, an Apple MacBook Pro.
It’s Mac number-three, perhaps number-four.
My first computer was a Windows PC, but I switched to Mac when my employer back then, the Messenger newspaper in Canandaigua, computerized with Macs.
My first Mac was a beige desktop G3.
Its motherboard eventually failed, and I may have gotten another beige desktop.
But maybe not.
That may have been when I got my G4 tower which I still have.
I started with OS-9, but eventually switched to OSX. (The tower had both.)
By then I’d retired from the Messenger, where my iMac drove OS-8.6.
This MacBook Pro is the suggestion of a friend who noted the 60-gig hard-drive on my tower was not big enough to store a video.
I wanted to do a train-video for You-Tube.
The tower had two gigs of RAM; this laptop has four. And its hard-drive, which is probably a chip, is 500 gigs,
For crying out loud! That’s big enough to swallow the entire known universe, not just the Pacific fleet.
Not too long ago I encountered a one terabyte hard-drive; that’s 1,000 gigs. I coulda got one terabyte on this MacBook Pro.
For whatever reason, whichever Mac I had displayed the correct time after a time-change.
My wife’s PC didn’t.
She’d finesse various Windows settings, yet after a time-change her PC would be off an hour or two.
Finally she’d give up and set her computer-clock to agree with my Mac.
Why do you have to have a degree in computer-engineering to get your Windows PC to display the correct time?
It ain’t rocket-science!
I never do anything. My Mac is following the atomic clock.
Yet my wife had to set her PC according to my Mac. (Gasp!)
She’d fiddle this-way-and-that, yet every time-change it went gloriously WRONG!

• My beloved wife of over 44 years died of cancer April 17th, 2012. I miss her immensely. Her final job was as a computer-programmer.
• I’m a railfan, and have been since age-2. (I’m 72.)
• RE: “Mac (Gasp!)..............” — My siblings insist anything Apple is of-the-Devil, and I am rebellious to use a Mac. A reprise of various evils I do, like eating cereal that isn’t General Mills. (“Jesus eats Choco-Puffs; what’s YOUR problem?”)



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