Sunday, February 07, 2016

Another bunny-rabbit

Yet another bunny-rabbit has met its Maker.
My gray-faced, 11-year-old dog has dispatched another bunny-rabbit.
Proving yet again any critter inside her fence is dead meat.
Kitty-cats have had to jump that fence, it’s five-foot chain-link.
If this isn’t her 20th, we’re close.
This happened at quarter after midnight.
I usually go to bed around 10 to 10:30.
About midnight I get up to go to the bathroom.
I also let my dog out.
Usually the dog goes out, goes to the bathroom too, then comes back to the door to be let in.
Not this time. Flat disappeared. Where’s the dog?
Bathrobe on, I stepped outside to call the dog.
I went back inside to put on my slippers and get a flashlight.
Back outside I went, and the dog was in my garden with a dead bunny-rabbit in her mouth.
I walked over to get my dog.
Trot-trot-trot-trot. “Oh no ya don’t. I know how you are. You throw out my bunny-rabbit. This rabbit is mine!”
And so our merry-go-round began; back-and-forth around our yard, dog carrying her bunny-rabbit.
I’m only in my bathrobe, and it’s freezing.
Finally I gave up. “That’s it,” I said. “I hafta go back to bed. Enjoy your bunny-rabbit.”
Lights out.
After perhaps a half-hour I heard a chirp, my dog wanting to come back in.
“Yer not bringin’ that disemboweled bunny-rabbit in here!”
I went over to my garage — which is attached, turned on the light, and opened the back door.
The dog scampered in without her bunny-rabbit.
Now, how can I get that bunny-rabbit in the garbage-can in my garage?
I shut the dog in the garage, and got my small bathroom trashcan. Back outside to retrieve the partially-eaten bunny-rabbit  with kitchen-tongs.
The tongs go in my dishwasher.
Into my bathroom trashcan went the bunny-rabbit.
She had eaten the back half; will probably need to be dewormed.
Back into the garage to empty the carcass into my garbage-can.
“Can we go back to bed now?”
I filled my bathroom trashcan with hot water. It had blood in it.
I now have an extremely sick dog. I had to take her to the 24-hour emergency vet near Rochester, since it was the weekend, and my regular vet was closed.
She threw up her entire supper.
That rabbit cost me $214.67, and right at the moment I don’t have my usual bouncy dog.



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