Wednesday, August 19, 2015


How do I go about this without seeming self-congratulatory?
Yrs Trly will have surgery next Wednesday (August 26th, 2015) to remove his prostate, which is somewhat cancerous.
We discussed various treatment options, and decided on removing the prostate if I guessed I might be around 20 or more years.
I was told radiation, and the radiation beads, was good for maybe 10 years.
I’m no longer a paragon of health, but in better shape than many at 71 years.
As a prelude to this operation I had to do a “pre-op.” That was yesterday (Tuesday, August 18th, 2015) at the same hospital in Rochester (NY) that will do the surgery.
“Take off all your clothes, and put on this flowery hospital-gown. Then sit quietly here, with your hands folded, to await our nurse-practitioner.
After perhaps five minutes, the nurse-practitioner came in.
We reviewed all the paperwork I had filled out in advance. I suppose this is for ne’er-do-wells who don’t fill out the many questionnaires.
Somehow we got off-topic, with me describing the history of some railfan site.
I’m a railfan, and have been since age-2.
“You’re very articulate,” the nurse-practitioner exclaimed.
“If you say so,” I said.
50 years ago her comment would have gone to my head.
I had a difficult childhood, and was continuously told I was stupid and of-the-Devil.
Also rebellious, because I couldn’t worship my father.
This albatross followed me to college, where I became friends with people eager to infer I was stupid.
But after 71 years I came to know who I am, and I ain’t stupid. I’m rebellious only to those who want me to kowtow; I don’t think I could lead a revolution.
“Well, I drove articulated buses while at the bus-company,” I said.

An “Artic” I had just driven. (Photo by BobbaLew.)

“See? There you are fooling around with words. ‘Articulate,’ I tell ya.”
“Well, I do write,” I said, as if writing makes you articulate. Usually it’s the other way around.
Conversation continued, I used the word “consternation,” a Philadelphia-lawyer word. I use words like that out of habit, but the average person doesn’t.
Which makes me “articulate,” I presume.
When I was in high-school my 12th-grade English-teacher told me I could write pretty good, but I thought he was joking.
After 71 years I realize it’s a talent I have; not Herman Melville or Dostoyevsky, but I can sling words together pretty good.
And having done it as long as I have, I feel sure of it. When I get criticism I yell “you do it!”


Blogger Unknown said...

Very informative. I enjoy these stories about rthe history and up to date happenings. I really would like to hear more about the fate of Birkx Cabin court motel near east Bloomfield NY. I stayed their a couple of times while traveling threw as a electrician, doing plating line installations at the Crossman air gun factory during the summer of 1991. Mr and Mrs. Burka were very nice people and the setting will forever be a beautiful memory for me. I read your story about the history, but, Mr. Burkz passed on, but I would like to know the fate of his wife, Virginia,(Gen), such a sweet lady. Thank you in advance for your intrigueing journalism and photography. Hope to hear from you. Sincerely, David Hudson.

2:52 AM  

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