Saturday, June 06, 2015

Can I ever do anything online?

I have E-ZPass, the thingy that lets you blast past tollbooths with your car. And then charges an account somewhere out there in the stratosphere.
My account gets replenished by charging my credit-card.
My credit-card bank, in their infinite wisdom, issued me one of their super-secure chip cards. It still has the magnetic strip.
But it’s not exactly the same as my old credit-card. The expiration-date is farther out, and the security-code is different.
As of June 1st my old card no longer works.
So my bank told me I should clue in all automatic chargers to my new card. They even suggested a few.
But they didn’t suggest E-ZPass; my brother in DE suggested that.
Okay, so I hafta notify E-ZPass; I already notified others.
“Log in,” of course.
I tried, using previous log-in information.
NYET! Didn’t work; “Your log-in information is not what we have. Please try again.”
“Oh, for Heaven sake!”
I tried a slew of different tactics and passwords; nothing worked.
Can I ever do anything online?
Seems like every website wants a log-in, which I do with info I’ve saved.
After that I get sent packing. I hafta use their 800-number.
My bank wants to register my computer for logging in on their super-secure website.
My workaround is logging in by another means from this same computer. It shouldn’t work — my ‘pyooter is not registered — but it does. (Is it registered or isn’t it?)
I got better things to do than listen to some dork from India tell me he’s “deeply sorry” in broken English.
So I guess I gotta call E-ZPass’s 800-number.
Mano-a-mano with some hussy from the Bronx.
My wife, now gone, is the one who said it: “Sometimes it makes more sense to call. Especially when their fancy-dan website throws you for a loop. It was programmed by techno-geeks with no clue. Garbage in — garbage out.”

• My wife died of cancer April 17th, 2012. I miss her dearly.



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