Saturday, June 27, 2015

Buncha crap!

The other night I happened to view that TV ad where an aging matron misplaces her keys in the refrigerator.
“Where are my keys?” she wails.
Her doting husband begins helping her look for her keys.
He pokes around, then opens the refrigerator to get something.
There are the keys.
He lovingly gives the keys to his concerned wife, saying “it’s all right, dear.”
“Buncha crap!” I shouted.
This was an ad for some Alzheimer’s medication.
Like it’s supposed to help you magically find your misplaced keys.
What if some young whippersnapper misplaces his keys?
Does that automatically imply Alzheimer’s?
No; only for oldsters.
—Us people sloughing off the young whippersnappers who wanna end Social-Security and consign us to Continuing-Care.
I hardly think so. I misplace things, but I remember too much.
These blogs rely on that.
I ain’t a candidate for some nursing-home.
Not yet.
When I no longer remember my siblings, it’s Alzheimer’s.
But not when I misplace my keys.
What is it with these TV ads? Especially the medications?
I said to my doctor last visit “In case of death, please contact your physician immediately.”



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