Friday, April 03, 2015

With hopes I don’t lose any friendships

Sometimes I wonder if my perception of national politics reflects where I live. That is, Obama has ruined our country, and doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in Hell of his politics being reinstated.
I wonder if I’d feel this way out in Los Angeles or Seattle, or even New York City.
I am surrounded by midwestern values, belief in God and guns. I can’t make sense of that, the idea that Jesus packs a 44.
I avoid discussion of politics on this blog, since politics and religion are no-no’s.
I have too many friends that are avowedly Conservative, and I don’t want to offend them.
So Obama seems to be doomed, but maybe that’s just here.
He did get re-elected.
When I travel to PA I see bumper-stickers that say “Obama sucks.” That he’s trying to destroy the coal-industry. Like the lower price of natural-gas has nothing to do with the viability of coal.
Obama is the lightning-rod. Let’s throw the bums out, and put in a new set of bums. Then toss them out in four or eight years and replace them with another set of bums.
A while ago I got one of those conspiracy bits. It suggested a quid-quo-pro whereby Obama vetoed the Keystone Pipeline as a favor to Warren Buffett, one of his supporters.
Buffett owns Burlington-Northern Santa Fe Railroad, prime shipper of domestic crude-oil to refineries.
No mention Canadian tar-sands won’t flow through a pipeline without dilution. No mention it was tar-sands.
If it doesn’t favor the fevered agenda it doesn’t get mentioned. Grist for Rush Limbaugh, who seems to have a fevered agenda of his own.
Namely bombast and bluster always trump reason.
No matter Obama brought us back from the worst recession since the Depression, when Republicans were scrambling to placate their fat-cat friends with gigantic bailouts at taxpayer-expense.
It’s all Obama’s fault, since he has been prez for some time. And if fat-cats aren’t pigging out, they bring in Rush Limbaugh to foam and bluster and soak his gold-plated microphone.
After 71 years on this planet I have decided it isn’t a battle of the wealthy versus the little-guy. It’s the educated versus the uneducated; that the fat-cats enlist the uneducated to advance their agenda.
The educated are always depicted as snooty, hoity-toity elitists.
Fortunately the uneducated in this country are savvy enough to do quite well. We couldn’t have won WWII otherwise.
What happens when the uneducated see they’re being taken advantage of by fat-cats?


Blogger cg said...

Might I suggest four good reads by Robert Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (2000), Better Together: Restoring the American Community (2003), and Our Kids (2015): The American Dream in Crisis. All three address directly the role of education in the achievement of the American Dream. The fourth, American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us (2012), considers the role of religion in our American Life, for better and for worse. All but the brand new one are available in paper and should be in your local public library. If not, buy a copy and present it to the library when you're done, for circulation, not for the used book sale.

6:49 PM  

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