Thursday, February 06, 2014

Are they kidding?

Why do I keep getting this stuff?
I am now 70 — as of yesterday, February 5th.
This stuff seems aimed at Boomers, people in their 50s.
“Flirting is ageless?”
Oh, come-on!
I don’t flirt, although perhaps I should.
There is a guy in the Canandaigua YMCA Exercise-Gym. He’s in his 60s.
He’s in fairly good shape, but not Adonis.
He’s always trying to flirt with the young honeys, striking up conversations.
They’re turned off. They tell him to buzz off, and then behind-his-back they say he’s a creep.
A while ago I asked a pretty young thing if she was using an exercise-machine I could use.
She slinked away; not a single word.
Creep alert!
The YMCA Exercise-Gym is awash in pretty young honeys, but I keep to myself.
I’m not about to frighten some poor girl.
It’s like Facebook, which I hardly peruse.
That is, I have a Facebook, but I hardly look at it.
And you can be damn sure I don’t click those silly ads on the right-side of the page.
“ObamaCare has failed; vote now.”
“Obama presidency soon to crumble due to scandal worse than Clinton;” with Michelle screaming.
Who flies this stuff? The supermarket tabloids? Rush Limbaugh?
Stupidest are the ads for bulking-up. The tiny head of John Travolta atop obscenely bulging muscles that look unreal.
To me this screams PHOTOSHOP.
If I were Travolta, I’d demand the ads be taken down. Perhaps he already has; I can’t find such an ad to screenshoot.
Thankfully the e-mail program on this laptop puts “Flirting is Ageless” in my junk-folder.
But my iPhone doesn’t. I suppose I could get an iPhone e-mail app that junks stuff, but it’s not worth the bother.
I’m only trashing 10-20 spam e-mails per day.
If some e-mail starts parading pictures, I automatically trash it.
I might get only 2-5 valid e-mails per day. It ain’t like I’m swamped.
Trashing 20 e-mails only takes a minute or two.
So why bother for an iPhone e-mail app that junks stuff?
But this here laptop does junk stuff. I had to make “Flirting is Ageless” non-junk to screenshoot that silly picture.
So there’s the silver-haired Adonis grinning like a Cheshire-Cat.
Like all I gotta do is click the ad, and I too can be grinning like a Cheshire-Cat.
As I say: Why do I get this stuff at age-70?
Do they think I’m gonna fall for it?
In the trash, baby!

• I work out in the Canandaigua YMCA Exercise-Gym, appropriately named the “Wellness-Center,” usually three days per week, about two-three hours per visit. (“Canandaigua” [“cannan-DAY-gwuh”] is a small city to the east nearby where I live in Western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” It’s about 14 miles east. —I live in the small rural town of West Bloomfield, southeast of Rochester.)


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