Friday, April 26, 2013

Yet again

About a month ago, perhaps two months ago, yrs trly fell hard on the ice walking my dog a nearby Boughton Park (“BOW-tin;” as in “wow”).
I fell on my left knee, ker-SLAM! I’d fallen before with little consequence, but it was hard getting up this time. My knee hurt, but not enough to call 9-1-1.
I had to give up walking the park that day, and return to my car. It was too dangerous; all ice.
As a result of that fall I got Yak-Trax® ice-cleats.
Recovery seemed to proceed. It was fairly quick, but my knee still hurt slightly later.
The other day, probably last Sunday or Monday (April 21st or 22nd) I fell again, this time onto the concrete floor of my garage. My left knee again, but this time not directly. A glancing blow; this time the bruise was below my knee.
Back to slight pain; it seemed like all healing since my ice-fall had been reversed.
Then Wednesday (April 24th, 2013) I took my dog again to Boughton Park.
She started nosing around the East Pond shoreline, looking for frogs.
She wrapped herself around a tree.
I had to approach the shoreline to unwrap her leash, and ker-SLAM!
Onto my left knee again, this time directly, but dirt not concrete.
Back to trouble getting up again.
I’m 69 years old, and I keep getting slammed to the ground.
The pain is not intense, but it seems like healing keeps getting reversed.
(Last night I had trouble getting my left rubber off.)
I finally had to get mad at my dog, which I try to avoid.
I had to yank her away from the shoreline.
Life seems tortured enough with my wife gone.
But I don’t wanna give up. My dog is very attached to me.

• Boughton Park is a fairly-large town park in East Bloomfield where I walk my dog. I live in the small rural town of West Bloomfield, southeast of Rochester. (West Bloomfield is one of the three towns that own and administer the park.) —Boughton Park is about four miles from my house. It used to be the water-supply for the village of Fairport, and has two large ponds held back by earthen retention-dams.
• My beloved wife of over 44 years died of cancer April 17th, 2012. I miss her dearly.


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