Saturday, February 16, 2013


Anyone who follows this here blog knows yrs trly got slammed to the ground yesterday (Friday, February 15th, 2013).
I fell three times the previous Wednesday. The road at Boughton Park (“BOW-tin;” as in “wow”) is icy.
There was no consequence Wednesday, but yesterday was different.
I had taken a different route that wasn’t icy, but then it got icy again.
SLAM! To the ground I went. But this time I landed on my left knee instead of rolling on my back.
I don’t think I broke anything, but I am severely pranged.
Swelling is minor, but bending my knee is painful.
I would do the YMCA today, but I don’t know if I can.
Walking the dog on our property before leaving seemed within range. But the YMCA may be only stretching.
Sleep was difficult.
Inaction seemed to inflame things. But up-and-around seemed better.
I ordered ice-walkers online. They can’t come soon enough. Even my property is dangerous.
I don’t want to be hospitalized. That would separate me from my dog.
(And my dog is very attached.)

• Boughton Park is a fairly-large town park in East Bloomfield where I walk my dog. I live in the small rural town of West Bloomfield, southeast of Rochester. (West Bloomfield is one of the three towns that own and administer the park.)
• I managed about one-third of my YMCA workout, and probably coulda kept going, but I hurt too much. (I work out in the Canandaigua YMCA Exercise-Gym, appropriately named the “Wellness-Center,” usually three days per week, about two-three hours per visit. [“Canandaigua” (“cannan-DAY-gwuh”) is a small city to the east nearby where I live in Western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” It’s about 14 miles east. —I was able to do one aerobic session out of two, but power-lifting hurt too much. There was also a lot of bending involved in processing; getting up and down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wrote:
I don’t want to be hospitalized. That would separate me from my dog.
(And my dog is very attached.)

Oh, sure...and you are NOT attached to the dog, right?

I saw those ice grippers you put on your boots at Walmart in Canandaigua in the shoe department.

6:27 PM  

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