Saturday, October 08, 2011

Rebellious and of-the-Devil

The Devil is dead.
Well, not exactly.
But Steve Jobs is dead, and I was always told he was the Devil incarnate.
But so too is Barack Obama, that he should be replaced by Rick Perry so that every human being can grow to using both hands to kill others using Perry’s gun-control.
I was told sweet baby Jesus used a PC, and the fact I use a MAC proves I’m rebellious and of-the-Devil.
Or was it Jesus would use a PC, but my siblings were so tub-thumping emphatic, it seemed they may have said He used a PC.
Everything Apple is of-the-Devil, despite my siblings’ use of iPods and iPhones and iPads.
And Apple was doomed to go the way of Beta — about 15 years ago.
Same thing with motorcycles. Sweet baby Jesus rode a Harley like my macho brother-in-Boston. So the fact I ride a Honda proves I’m rebellious and of-the-Devil.
The ABC-TV Evening News made a big deal out of Jobs’ passing.
Like Jobs and Apple revolutionized technology — they made computerization accessible to Joe SixPak.
That Apple always tried to make computerization simple; that Apple’s gizmos were always easy to use.
Unlike Microsoft’s gizmos that supposedly are difficult to figure out.
Well, I don’t know about that.
I currently drive an Apple MacBook Pro, and it has thrown enough curves at me.
Like find the file you’re actually fiddling.
Windoze gives you the file-path, right out in the open.
Apple is poke around after a Splat-f.
Know that, and you can successfully “find-file” on a MAC, but throw that at a Windoze PC user, the majority.
Years ago I was told by techies at the Mighty Mezz that MACs were superior, that I should trade my PC for a MAC.
So I did, but also because our newspaper was gonna switch to the MAC platform; plus our PC was ancient.
Then I happened to take a Photoshop© course, and all they could afford were PCs.
Photoshop on a PC equaled “Please Wait,” hourglass-city!
I went home and tried the same functions on my MAC, and it was much faster.
When I tried to point this out to my siblings I was loudly excoriated.
Awful temerity and unmitigated gall and horrific audacity.
I had trampled one of their sacred sanctities.
Jesus used a PC, and so should I.
“You’re just rebellious and of-the-Devil.”
I’ve driven both PCs and MACs, and prefer my MAC.
But now that’s mainly because MAC is what I know.
PC seems to have caught up with MAC.
My wife uses Photoshop on a PC, and it seems just as fast as my MAC.
Plus MAC, under OS-X, is far more stable than Apple operating-systems I started with.
As I recall, Windoze could be unstable too. I used a PC at the Mighty Mezz that wouldn’t shut off unless you pulled the plug.
Its Windoze, 95, would hang on shutdown. 95 was famous for that!
My blowhard brother-in-Boston, the one who noisily badmouths everything I do or say, loudly insists I dump my so-called “silly MAC” in Canandaigua lake, and go back to Windoze-XP like his work uses.
(My wife uses Windoze-7, a replacement for XP.)
He also insists I should use Microsoft Word©, instead of the Apple word-processor I use.
And that I should use Microsoft Internet-Explorer© for my Internet browser, not FireFox (“Fox-fire,” he calls it).
I’ve used Word when needed, but it punishes a stroke-survivor with sloppy keyboarding like me. —Like mistype something and get sent to the penalty-box = unfathomable Never-Neverland.
I was recommended FireFox by a PC user, and this here blog-site no longer accommodates Internet-Explorer. I still have IE, but hardly use it.
Again, “rebellious and of-the-Devil.” Tolerance is for wusses!
After all, I was fully cured by their praying. The fact I prefer Apple’s word-processor, which doesn’t punish me, proves I’m rebellious and of-the-Devil.
All would be sweetness-and-light if I traded my MAC for a PC.
ABC trumpeted what a great advance the Apple iPhone was.
I don’t have an iPhone myself. What I have is a Droid©, comparable I’m told.
I don’t do much on it, not up to its potential.
My wife gets frustrated just looking at it. She can’t answer it if it rings.
Quite a few of my siblings have iPhones, so my Droid is of-the-Devil.
My sister also has a Droid, but hers is blessed.
My Droid is rebellious and of-the-Devil.

• The “Mighty Mezz” is the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, from where I retired over five years ago. Best job I ever had — I worked there almost 10 years. (“Canandaigua” [“cannan-DAY-gwuh”] is a small city nearby where we live in Western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” —It’s about 14 miles away.) —It’s at the north end of a long Finger-lake, Canandaigua lake. (The Finger Lakes are a series of north-south lakes in Central New York that look like the imprint of a large hand. They were formed by the receding glacier.)
• “Windoze” is Microsoft Windows©, a computer operating-system for PCs, which MAC people say is inferior. (My first computer had Windows-3, and then 3.1.)
• “Splat-f” is ”f” with the Apple function-key, the “splat” key.
• “OS-X” is the current Apple computer operating system; OS-10. (I started with OS-8.5.)
• I had a stroke October 26, 1993, and it made my hands slightly wonky.
• RE: “Praying......” —All my siblings are fervent born-again Christians; so people like me are of-the-Devil.



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