Sunday, May 22, 2011



A friend of mine responded to my “Ugliest car of all time” blog wherein I declared the 1959 Oldsmobile the ugliest car of all time.
He protested the Pontiac Aztek was the ugliest car of all time.
He’s right! Even the ’59 Olds pales by comparison.

A ’59 Olds.

He and I are far apart in age, I much older than him. Such that I had forgotten the Aztek.
The Aztek is from his era. By the Aztek, I was no longer interested in cars. So even though it was dreadfully ugly, to me it was forgettable. I no longer cared by then.
But 1959 was my youth. (In 1959 I was 15.)
And just about all GM’s offerings in the 1959 model-year were dreadful. Depressing to a car-enthusiast.
The ’59 Chevrolet was the ugliest Chevrolet of all time.
Photo by BobbaLew.
The ugliest Chevrolet of all time.
But the ’59 Chevrolet was laughably ugly.
Worse yet was the 1959 Oldsmobile, depressingly ugly.
It was as if GM stylists had lost touch.
Sweep and style had been shoved aside by production economics.
Sweep and style cost money to implement. How much sweep and style can we afford?
But the Aztek is disgustingly ugly, an affront to those partial to practicality over sweeping styling.
It was as if GM stylists were mad at soccer-moms.
They fielded a disgusting box, totally devoid of style.
Immensely practical, but dreadfully ugly.
The ’59 Olds was ugly too, but not as much as the Aztek.



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