Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Where’s the discontinue button?

“To discontinue receiving e-mails from Jockey.com. click here.”
Capital idea.
Put a stop to some of the daily deluge of e-mail missives I get from JC Penney, Shade-Tree Powersports, Hanes, Folica, and Jockey.com.
Stuff that clutters my junk folder every day, and I have to delete.
Stuff I have no interest in.
Depictions of young people cavorting half-naked on sunny California beaches in their skivvies.
So I clicked it, and went to the following screen:
“Dear Jockey.com customer,
While we enjoy letting you know about our latest arrivals, special events and promotions, you have the option to unsubscribe.”
I do?
Where’s the “unsubscribe” button?
I don’t see it.
I supposedly have the option, but there’s no “unsubscribe.”
Or is this where it ends — the unsubscribe process.
Is this confusing message the actual unsubscription?
We’ll see.
We’ll see if I get any more young people prancing on sun-drenched California beaches in their underwear.
Perhaps they’re just making unsubscription impossible.


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