Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mano-a-mano with the Tops U-Scan machines

Surely I’ve blogged this topic before.
So much insanity has occurred at the Tops U-Scan machines, I’m tempted to forget it and start using a checkout-clerk.
Things were going smoothly until my single banana, my final item.
“Please enter the produce-code, press ‘done’ when finished, and place your item on the scale.”
Minutes passed.
I cleared everything and tried again.
“Please enter the produce-code, press ‘done’ when finished, and place your item on the scale.”
Again, nothing.
I strode over to the attendant, held up my banana, and said “Your scale isn’t pricing my banana.”
“Well, you have to put the produce-code into the machine.”
“I did,” I said; “twice!”
She took my banana, walked to the machine, keyed the produce-code into it, and placed the banana on the scale.
I noticed a scant dirty look, like I was a dumb old geezer interrupting her day-long donut break.
“Tried to tell ya,” I was tempted to say.
“Oh, a smarty-pants, eh?” The U-Scan had just embarrassed her.
She started angrily pressing buttons.
“No produce-code,” she pressed, although it was on my banana.
She pushed the button for bananas, and put my banana on the scale.
Again, nothing.
Down-and-dirty time!

The U-Scan was making a store-employee look stupid.
We can’t have that!
“Cancel sale.”
I guess all it canceled was my banana transaction.
I didn’t wanna rescan my entire order.
Start over; after scale reboot.
This time it took the produce-code, and weighed my banana.
A triumph of mankind over technology.
Or rather, triumph of the users over the engineer that programmed the U-Scan.

• “Tops” is a large supermarket-chain based in Buffalo we occasionally buy groceries at. They have a store in Canandaigua. (“Canandaigua” [“cannan-DAY-gwuh”] is a small city to the east nearby where we live in Western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” —It’s about 15 miles away.)
• RE: “U-Scan machines.......” —A checkout-clerk scans the barcodes on items to ring up your order. With a U-Scan machine, you can do this .yourself, i.e. without a checkout-clerk. (You also pay yourself.)


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