Monday, January 17, 2011

Brenda Tremblay

(“TROM-blay;” as in “trombone.”)
For the past few weeks yrs trly has been carrying on an e-mail exchange with Brenda Tremblay, the morning radio-host at WXXI-FM, 91.5, the classical-music radio-station out of Rochester we listen to, publicly supported.
Brenda replaced the inimitable Simon Pontin (“PON-tin;” as in “Avon,” the cosmetic), the morning radio-host at WXXI 33 years.
I was a little afraid our exchange might become one-sided in my favor, but it hasn’t. Quite often I find myself responding to e-mails from Brenda.
We share a commonality, that we both graduated from nearby Houghton College, me in ‘66, and Brenda in ‘90.
In fact, Brenda is a daughter of Sidney Bolton, a student at the college during my tenure.
Although he graduated two years before me (in ‘64) as a Music major.
I‘ve met a few Houghton-grads over the years, and they all seem to have their feet squarely on the ground.
I think that’s a reflection of the faculty at Houghton; people that seemed to care about us students, as opposed to self-absorbed elitists.
Although I terrified Brenda the first time I met her years ago.
“That place sure has changed,” she remarked, regarding our alma-mater.
“Yeah, gone to Hell in a handbasket!” I responded.
It was a reflection of all the silly rules we had to abide by while attending Houghton, which seem to have withered away since we graduated.
Like no TV or movies or theater, nor shorts or sleeveless dresses.
Girls playing basketball had to wear skirts, although that rule came off shortly before I arrived.
I’ve never regretted Houghton; it was the first time authority-figures listened to me. —Like they valued my opinions; like they could glean ideas from me.
Houghton was conservative, and overly-religious.
But I could live with that.
By poo-pooing extravagant venting of youthful energy, they made it possible to study hard.
I graduated as somewhat a ne’er-do-well, not approved of by the college; like they felt they had failed me.
But I graduated none-the-less; and Houghton rubbed off.
My tastes in music were set there. Bach and anything baroque.
I suppose I was tilted that way when I matriculated, but they encouraged that.
And now I listen to only classical music, WXXI.
And Brenda Tremblay, who isn’t Pontin, but that’s okay. They both are classical music lovers.

• “We” is me and my wife of 43 years, “Linda.”


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