Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The other night (Sunday, August 22, 2010) I fired up Facebook.
Probably for the first time in over a week, since that’s about all I ever look at it.
Which is apparently more than many of my Facebook “friends.” —My aunt in south Jersey has only one “friend,” my brother, who set up her Facebook.
Probably the record.
My intent was to delete a slew of Facebook “notes.”
All my notes are blog-links; sometimes MPNnow, but mostly BlogSpot.
MPNnow and BlogSpot get pretty much the same blog; only explaining footnotes added for BlogSpot’s wider audience.
As you know, I blog something most every day, so my Facebook notes were piling up.
Every time I fire up Facebook, it’s slightly different.
Lessee, “view notes;” hmmmnnnnnn, no delete.
Where’s my note list?
There’s always some tiny hidden link on here, but I don’t see it.
Try this, try that; nothing.
I poke around; I’m getting nowhere.
My wife walks in.
“Must be they decided to end the delete-note option. Probably no one was doing it.”
“Great. I got 89 bazilyun notes, and I can’t get rid of ‘em,” I say.
This ain’t the first time Facebook has shoved something down my throat. My even having a Facebook is thanks to a fast one on their part.
Finally I see an “edit-note” option; it has “delete.”
“Ya mean I gotta fire up each and every note to delete it?
This ain’t the way it was last time!”
That Facebook is always dorking around with things.
They can’t leave well enough alone.
It’s different each time I open it.

• “MPNnow” is the Messenger Post Newspapers’ web-site. I post pretty much the same blogs on it. (It has a blog page).) —For almost ten years I worked at Messenger Post Newspapers, mainly the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, from where I retired over four years ago. Best job I ever had. (“Canandaigua” [“cannon-DAY-gwuh”] is a small city nearby where we live in Western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” —It’s about 15 miles away.) The Post newspapers are (were) suburban weekly newspapers around Rochester bought by the Messenger when their publisher retired.
• My wife of 42+ years is “Linda.” Like me she’s retired, but she worked part-time at the West Bloomfield post-office. She retired as a computer programmer. She no longer works at the post-office.



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