Monday, November 02, 2009

“Gonna teach that bladder who’s boss”

Every day I videotape the TV news so we can watch it after it’s off.
To my mind it’s the only TV worth watching; no “Lost,” no “Dancing With The Stars.”
“What I wanna know is why that fat dude never lost any weight?” I always ask.
“Too bad she couldn’t finish her dress,” my wife says, referring to the couples on Dancing With The Stars.
Most days we don’t get around to eating supper until after the news.
So the only way to watch it is to tape it for delayed viewing.
This has the advantage that I can zap the ads — fast-forward.
But lately, as daylight shortens, and lawn mowing ends, we watch some of the news live; i.e. we can’t zap the ads.
“Ever wonder if there’s any water in them bathtubs?” I always ask during the Cialis® ads.
One ad is laughable; it’s an ad for Toviaz™.
“Gonna teach that bladder who’s boss,” the announcer says.
The couple is sitting in lawn chairs at an outdoor concert, violinists merrily sawing away.
Wifey beams at hubby, and later she strides authoritatively through a promenade of tall city buildings.
“Gonna teach that bladder who’s boss,” the announcer says.

• “We” is I and my wife of almost 42 years, “Linda.”


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