Sunday, March 08, 2009

Daylight Savings Time

Today (March 8, 2009) Daylight Savings Time goes into effect.
Spring ahead, Fall back. I should be able to walk the dog after supper.
I had to reset all our clocks, and our DVR/VCR.
Our VCR is not an automatic time signal. There is one, but I’d rather set it according to my ‘pyooter, which gets its time signal from the Atomic-clock in Boulder.
I usually reset all our clocks per my watch, which gets reset per my ‘pyooter.
But I had to slop them all this time, since my watch is currently disabled.
I suppose I could reset everything relative to my cellphone. That’s getting the atomic-clock time via satellite. —Maybe just the VCR.
My cellphone isn’t displaying seconds.
Not that I care that much; except our clocks are all close enough to avoid “that clock’s 15 minutes fast,” and “that one’s a half-hour slow.”
That’s how things are in the shadow of the mighty De Land water-tower, and “Debbie got me this digital clock at Wal*Mart, but I have no idea how to set that.” (It was an hour off.)
“I guess I’m just dumb. Guess I’ll go eat worms. Speaking of worms......”
It was like our bedroom alarm clock — got its time-signal from the satellite.
But it couldn’t reset for Daylight Savings, or it had an internal program that overrode everything.
Probably made in China by child prison-labor. —Thank ya, Wal*Mart!
During our most recent visit, a month ago, it was gone.
I always get a kick out of people complaining that Daylight Savings is tampering with “God’s time.”
The four current time-zones were set up at the request of the railroads, who were tired of dealing with “God’s time.”
God’s time is whatever your sundial says it is.
The sun is highest in the sky (noon) earlier in Boston than here in West Bloomfield.
It’s even a few seconds later in Buffalo.
A train running east arrived earlier and earlier.
A train running west arrived later and later.
What was happening was a train crossing multiple time-zones, usually set by a sundial in front of the County Court-house.
A train would cross into a time-zone 10 minutes different from the one it had been in.
So the railroads suggested splitting the country into four standard time-zones an hour apart.
A train traveling from New York City to Chicago would cross from Eastern Standard to Central Standard Time at Indiana. —Watches get set back an hour at the time-zone change.
That’s not “God’s time;” that’s railroad time.
You wanna do God’s time? Stick a sundial on your front lawn.

  • Our current dog is “Scarlett;” a rescue Irish-Setter. She’s almost four, and is our sixth Irish-Setter.
  • Our “DVR/VCR” is our combination DVD and VHS video-cassette player. It’s also a recorder. I have it timed to record the 6 p.m. news.
  • “‘Pyooter” is computer.
  • The “Atomic-clock in Boulder” is a clock that denotes seconds according to the decay of specific atoms, which have a precise time-interval. Such a clock is located in Boulder, CO. I generates a time-signal my computer gets over the Internet. —This time-signal is also beamed to satellites, which beam it back to cellphones.
  • “Shadow of the mighty De Land water-tower” is where my wife’s 93-year-old mother lives, in a retirement community in “the shadow of the mighty De Land water-tower” in De Land, Florida.
  • “Debbie” is my wife’s brother’s first wife’s only child; therefore my wife’s mother’s first grandchild. —She’ll turn 40 this year.
  • RE: “Guess I’ll go eat worms. Speaking of worms......” —My wife’s mother is a martyr, but makes segues like that. Our last visit she said that, reporting on an infestation of worms in trees.
  • RE: “Thank ya, Wal*Mart!” —My siblings all loudly claim Wal*Mart is the greatest store in the entire universe; and since I rarely shop there, I’m reprehensible and stupid.
  • My all-knowing, blowhard brother-from-Boston, the macho ad-hominem king, who noisily badmouths everything I do or say, lives in West Bridgewater, MA, which is near Boston.
  • We live in “West Bloomfield,” a small rural town in Western New York state.

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