Friday, August 08, 2008

“wistfully yearn.....”

Why have we continued to listen to morning-man at Dubya-Hex-Hex-Hi lo these many years?
I humblee submit it’s because he’s more human than the disembodied voices that populate most of the airwaves.
I suppose it’s also because of what he plays; Bach and Mozart are much easier to wake up with than the strident bellering that passes for music nowadays.
So morning-man is down to one functioning CD-player out of three, and his computer, which generates a lot of what goes out over the air, is “down to about quarter-speed.”
“I know I’m not supposed to relate these travails to my listeners, but as technology crashes all about me mightily in flames, I glance wistfully out my window, yearning for the days of yore, the placid days of turntables and controls that actually work.”
Except we also remember his trouble with turntables, and how he used to blame his nonexistent engineer, his alter-ego, for all his foibles.
I remember when the Messenger went with BaseView web-service; how it was supposed to solve all our problems. “Dump everything in the FTP, and ‘VIOLA!’” magically a web-site.
First the FTP was sent packing. BaseView gave up on it, because it kept crashing.
We found out about no more FTP after shoving everything in the FTP; told we were to upload through something else.
And how many times did I call Ann Arbor because our site hadn’t flown?
Their techy, my frequent contact, would kick the server and tell me to send everything again.
I also remember how many times I had to reboot my G3, and Linda rebooting her PC. (The G3 had Apple operating-system 8.6; as unstable as Windoze.)
Thankfully, OS-X has never crashed since I began using it; and that was almost two years ago.
Technology has made great strides, and morning-man successfully fiddles it.
But it has to work. We can’t just wring our hands and watch the hourglass.

  • “Dubya-Hex-Hex-Hi” is WXXI-FM, 91.5, the classical-music radio-station in Rochester we listen to.
  • The “Messenger” is the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, from where I retired over two years ago. Best job I ever had. In the end I was doing their web-site.
  • “FTP” equals “File-Transfer-Protocol.” We had an FTP at the Messenger, which BaseView was to automatically unload.
  • BaseView was in “Ann Arbor,” Michigan.
  • My “G3” was a beige desktop MAC, my first MAC. I currently run a double-processor G4 MAC tower. The G3 used Apple OS 8.6; the G4 uses Apple OS-X Tiger.
  • “Linda” is my wife of 40+ years. She uses a PC with Windows XP.

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