Friday, August 08, 2008


As a member of the Amalgamated Transit Union (“what’s ‘ah-two?’” [ATU]), I get their monthly magazine “In Transit.”
It’s fairly large (10 inches by 12), and contains “rah-rah-rah; sis-boom-bah” speeches by union officials, minutes (boring) of the annual convention, contracts negotiated by local unions, deaths of union members, and union news.
For months it trumpeted the wondrousness of Hillary-Dillery, how she would fund transit, and solve all of transit’s woes.
Yesterday (Thursday, August 7, 2008) my latest issue arrived, and there on the cover was the beaming visage of Barack Obama, the new savior of transit.
As if we’ve forgotten their strident shilling of Hillary-Dillery.
Inside was a giant article trumpeting the wondrousness of Barack Obama.
Amalgamated Transit Union has endorsed Barack Obama, and inside was a letter from Barack Obama thanking ATU for its support.
Not too long ago, Barack Obama was the Devil incarnate.
I remember our Union-Hall was gaily festooned with Hillary-Dillery banners, and that they all disappeared before the June meeting.
Local 282 is off all summer, but what do ya wanna bet the Hall is gaily festooned with Obama banners come September?

  • For 16&1/2 years (1977-1993) I drove transit bus for Regional Transit Service, the transit-bus operator in Rochester, N.Y. My stroke October 26, 1993 ended that. As such I was a member of the nationwide Amalgamated Transit Union. The Rochester local was ATU Division 282.
  • “What’s ‘ah-two?’” is something my mother said, when she saw my ATU button.
  • “Hillary-Dillery” is of course Hillary Clinton.
  • Local 282 holds no regular monthly business meetings during the summer months (July and August).



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