Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I’m at the mighty Canandaigua Weggers two days ago (Sunday, August 24, 2008), fixin’ to buy groceries.
I have two cans to return for deposit; one actually a beer-can found up the street.
I stride into the can-return room; lined with eight combination can/plastic return machines, and three glass bottle machines.
It’s not crowded — no NASCAR-dads exchanging 89 bazilyun Bud cans in shopping-carts big as a Buick. (“Get cracking, LJ. Daddy needs help. Hup-hup!”)
I insert my cans: ka-chink; ka-chink!
“Press button for receipt.”
Alarms sound, lights flash; it appears Rapture has occurred.
“Printer malfunction!” Call staff!”
Are you kidding?
I walked away.
I ain’t gonna alert the staff for a 10¢ can-refund.
“No tickey,” I told the guy behind me with 89 bazilyun Bud cans and his son.

  • “Mighty Weggers” is Wegmans, a large supermarket-chain based in Rochester we often buy groceries at. They have a store in Canandaigua.
  • “Get cracking,” and “Hup-hup” are things my siblings say to people they decide are lazy no-good no-account layabouts, like me.
  • “Rapture” is the Second Coming of Christ, wherein all Christians are taken up into Heaven, and the world is left to sinners. (“In case of Rapture, this van will be driverless.”)



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