Friday, May 02, 2008

Possibility of hairball alert!

Last night (Thursday, May 1, 2008) I had two things to order online.
I could either:
—A) Slough the entire endeavor off on Linda, and make her order the stuff for me, with her supposedly superior PC with Internet-Explorer; or
—B) I could fire up my own Internet-Explorer (horror-of-horrors) and order the stuff myself; or
—C) I could try ordering it with my FireFox, and fall back to the dreaded IE if FireFox fails.
The import here, I guess, is that FireFox on a MAC is supposedly inferior, and that I’m flogging a dead horse.
People are oblivious to the facts that -1) sites appear differently in different browsers, so that -a) site-coding may work in one browser, but not work in another, and -b) individual browsers may not display whole sections of a site; and -2) I was advised to switch to FireFox by a PC-user because to him Internet-Explorer was such a drudge.
Nevertheless this PC-user finds he has to write web-sites for Internet-Explorer because that is the browser most Grannies use.
Even though in his humble experience FireFox is the better browser.
Well, factoring in is one item, my Metagenics® fish-oil tablets from BrandVitamin Discounters, were successfully reordered last time with FireFox.
So FireFox it will be, on my rig, so Linda can continue to research dog-lymphoma, and play computer Scrabble via e-mail with Jerry’s current wife (number-four).
If item number-two bombs with FireFox, I’ll fire up my IE, and hope it doesn’t bomb under that (it has).
Guess what? Both items were successfully ordered with FireFox.
To me to say FireFox-on-a-MAC is inferior to Internet-Explorer on a PC is just fevered-agenda (to badmouth everything I do or say).
I’ve heard too many hairballs about Internet-Explorer from PC-users.
Plus IE mucks up my blog-site, and won’t allow me to upload pictures.
The blog-site said switch to FireFox.

  • “Linda” is my wife of 40+ years.
  • “FireFox,” like Microsoft Internet-Explorer (“IE”), is a computer Internet browser.
  • RE: “FireFox on a MAC........” —All my siblings use PCs, but I use an Apple MacIntosh, so am therefore reprehensible and stupid. They also all use Internet-Explorer, and loudly claim that it’s superior to FireFox.
  • Our dog, Killian, a rescue Irish-Setter about 10 or more, has lymphatic cancer, and is being treated for it with chemo, but it may win.
  • “Jerry’s current wife” is Nancy. “Jerry” is Linda’s only brother — he’s older, but not by much.
  • “Fevered-agenda” equals to badmouth everything I do or say. I suppose this is because I’m a “liberial” (recent spelling of my macho, loudmouthed brother-from-Boston, the ad-hominem king; now it’s “liberila”), not a shrill goosestepping Ann Coulter Conservative; a Democrat, not a Republican; and a non-believer instead of a Christian (this is my worst offense — prompting weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth).



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