Monday, April 21, 2008

Sleepers awake

I’ve noticed that different parameters seem to apply for how and when this here rig goes to sleep.
—1) The thing that seems to override everything is the sleep-function of the monitor, which I can’t set. It seems to be separate from the ‘pyooter.
Sleep on the monitor is black; no image.
Five minutes of inactivity, or whatever it is, and the screen goes black.
Although I’ve noticed that certain apps seem to override this.
I thought at first it was a browser continuously updating a web-cam, but even then the monitor has gone to sleep.
So I don’t know. Observation of monitor sleep-patterns has been scattershot.
I also have noticed the monitor not going to sleep displaying my weather-radar.
That’s a continuous update too.
So who knows? (Maybe I had the printer or scanner on, and that killed the monitor-sleeper.)
—2) This ‘pyooter has a sleep-function too, or so it seems; and I can set that.
I’ve noticed two behaviors:
-a) With no apps on, and no activity, it sleeps in 10 minutes (so the monitor proceeds it).
That is, the hard-drive stops whirring, and all ya see is the on-light.
But the monitor is out too, so all ya see is a black screen.
In this condition it often won’t wake up, a condition the ‘pyooter-guru at the mighty Mezz blamed on wonky hardware.
If it does, I hafta reboot; and the time is wrong until it gets the Boulder signal.
The ‘pyooter has also gone to sleep with apps on — certain apps I guess.
But I don’t know what, although it doesn’t seem to be a browser or my Appleworks.
-b) Sometimes the ‘pyooter goes to sleep, and the monitor hasn’t — in which case a day-glo screensaver from the ‘60s displays. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. I’ve seen this a few times. —I could change it if I wanted.
But I never have any idea what kept the monitor going.

And I never know what in the wide, wide world is going on, except to fire up browsers and Appleworks as soon as I see the OS-X screen. That way the ‘pyooter doesn’t die and need rebooting.

  • “Apps” are computer software applications.
  • RE: “‘Pyooter-guru at the mighty Mezz........” —The “mighty Mezz” is the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, from where I retired over two years ago. Best job I ever had. The “‘Pyooter-guru” was the Information-Technology guy, the computer-guy.
  • RE: “Time is wrong until it gets the Boulder signal........” —This computer gets its exact time over the Internet, a time-signal from the atomic clock in Boulder, Colo.
  • “Appleworks” is the Apple wordprocesser, comparable to Microsoft Word, although in my case much easier to use. It doesn’t reward mistypes with trips into the ozone like Word does, and having had a stroke (October 26, 1993), my keyboarding is sloppy. This blog-post was done with Appleworks-5.
  • “OS-X” is the operating-system this computer uses.



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