Friday, May 18, 2007

RE: “You got hosed.”

Yes, I’m sure we did.
$22,102 is almost the cost of a GeezerGlide, and might make the down-payment on a 454 Chevelle that only burns gas that costs $7.99 per gallon — by now probably more.
A primary factor was at play here, that put the kabosh on competitive bidding, namely that doing so would have tripled, probably quadrupled, the lead-up time, so that replacement windows would have got put off yet another year.
Well, our windows are disgusting enough, and I don’t feel entitled to make my wife endure an IED faucet for five years. —It’s bad enough she has to endure a stroke-survivor.
If we had bid the job, we might have saved 5,000 smackaroos, but I’m sure we would have been comparing apples to oranges.
E.g. bronze exterior finish is not available for a $5,000 saving.
So we decided to peruse with a major Rochester window-replacement company, that offered availability of options and prompt scheduling for a price.
Kind of like your opting to buy a Harley-Davidson.
Monty Python and his Merry Pranksters lick their lips lustily in slavering anticipation: “Slap another steak on the grill, Martha. Here comes another one of them macho swaggering pretenders with stars in his eyes, anxious to buy into the whole noisy Harley schtick. Faux rebellion and bombast equal food on our table.”
Yep; that there faucet can just wait. If it floods the kitchen, Lynn-Ellen can just clean it up.

  • “You got hosed” was my blowhard brother-in-Boston’s response to our gigantic window-replacement contract, $22,102 for 19 units, half “new construction,” including four doors.
  • “The GeezerGlide” is my brother-in-Boston’s Harley-Davidson ElectraGlide, “GeezerGlide” because it is a laid-back cruiser-bike; unlike my bike (a Honda CBR600RR), which is a sport-bike. He of course continually bad-mouths my bike, noisily insisting I should buy a Harley (“a man’s motorbike”).
  • My brother-in-Boston also owns a classic 1971 454 Chevelle.
  • Years ago, I visited my brother-in-Boston and encountered a junky faucet on his kitchen-sink, that needed to be replaced. He allowed that it wasn’t replaced for another five years. I called it the “IED faucet;” much like the “Improvised-Explosive-Devices” in Iraq.
  • I had a stroke October 26, 1993.
  • The dealer my brother-in-Boston bought his ElectraGlide at was “Monty’s.”
  • “Lynn-Ellen” is my brother’s wife.

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