Tuesday, May 08, 2007

final installment

And so concludes the final installment of my dreaded Introductory Excel class..... (Three two-hour classes totaling six hours.)
......which despite all the noisy blustering and fevered breast-beating about amazing feats of ‘pyooter-superiority; was INTERESTING PERSONALLY TO ME.
I’m sure my siblings are much more experienced in Excel than I am. After all, it’s an application they use at work.
What they don’t crank at work is Quark and Freehand and Photoshop.
What Excel I’ve driven has only been for our personal use — the Excel spreadsheets for our taxes. We weren’t doing fabulous pivot-tables on nuclear-garage-expansion.
Nor operation of a nuclear-generator.
We managed to get Excel to total the Schedule-A items despite lack of a manual — sounds sorta like what Elz is doing with condo-expenses; and Vast with the famblee budget.
Doesn’t sound like they are doing the supreme ‘pyooter shenanigans of my other brothers for work — particularly the one in Boston who loudly asserts ‘pyooter-superiority; and seems to be insecure about anything I do or say.
Yet despite my not needing to do ‘pyooter shenanigans, plus a brain-injury; we managed to get Excel to do what we needed — which wasn’t to score points.
But there was too much we didn’t know about Excel due to the lack of a manual — and a brain-to-pick like I had at the mighty Mezz for Quark and Photoshop and Word.
So I decided to take this here course — not a return to school like the almighty Bluster-King loudly claims — but to IMPROVE what we could already do with Excel.
End result: end-of-month processing reduced from about 15-20 minutes to about a minute; which to me justifies taking the course.
A secondary side-effect was learning how to make charts (pie-charts, bar-graphs, etc.) These are things I’ll never use, but INTERESTING only because I’ve seen them and thought they looked pretty.
My source was that lady on the Boughton Park Board. I figured that if she could make them, so could I.
Well, LA-DEE-DAH! This isn’t doing extraordinary manipulation to discern how a dummie should expand a nuclear-garage.
Yet it wasn’t the almighty Bluster-King who removed Elz’s knees.
So what I’m saying (and I’m sure this will prompt a tirade of noisy breast-beating) is I REALLY DON’T CARE if the almighty Bluster-King can do more than me in Excel.
I’m only trying to better myself in Excel; to better be able to apply it.
I have yet to see graphical manipulation of any sort from West Bridgewater; in fact NUTIN’.
It was ME that took out Elz’s knees; not even Vast or 44 — and I see no reason why they couldn’t. Photoshop (or Photo-Deluxe, WHATEVER) ain’t rocket-science.
All ya have to be is INTERESTED enough to do it, or NEED TO DO IT for work.
At the mighty Mezz there was plenty of NEED TO DO, but many put it off because THEY WEREN’T INTERESTED.
Jack-a-Bill-a-Vast-a-Elz-a-Peg-a-Paul are INTERESTED; AS-AM-I (and Outlaw). And I’m INTERESTED despite a brain-injury.
The mighty Mezz is still using my stockbox. (And up to a few months ago, Boughton Park was still using my brochure; and in fact, their new brochure has what I wrote.)
So far I’ve had THREE (or four) ‘pyooter-courses: at least two in Photoshop (one combined Photoshop and Freehand), and one in DreamWeaver. Most of what I know about Photoshop (and Quark and Word, for that matter) was figured-out without benefit of a class.
So far this here Excel-class was the BEST I've ever had; and I said so, and suggested a similar class in Photoshop; since there still a number-of-things I don’t understand there.
To suggest such a class indicates INTEREST; after all, what use do I have for it except manipulation of famblee-site faux pas. Ya don’t need Photoshop to build a nuclear-garage.

  • RE: “nuclear-garage-expansion.......” My loud-mouthed brother-in-Boston doubled the size of his garage, which he portrayed as vastly superior, partly because he used a contractor concrete-pump to pour the floor out back (“pumping the concrete into the stratosphere” — i.e. over his existing garage). His job is managing construction of electricity-generating stations; e.g. nuclear-generating facilities — like Nine Mile Point.
  • “Elz” is my sister Elizabeth in Fort Lauderdale. She is condo-treasurer.
  • My macho brother-in-Boston co-wrote a book about nuclear-generating facility construction, which he loudly boasts is in the Library-of-Congress, and I have titled “Garage-Expansion for Dummies.”
  • RE: “removed Elz’s knees......” My sister posted a picture of her grandson on the beach, which inadvertently included her knees, I overwrote them with adjacent beach-sand with Photoshop.
  • “Vast” and “44” are my brother-in-Delaware’s wife and kid. (Vast-Right-Wing-Conspirator” and “Agent 44.”)
  • “Jack-a-Bill-a-Vast-a-Elz-a-Peg-a-Paul” are my siblings. My Down Syndrome brother pronounced “and” as “uh.” Paul is Peg’s husband.
  • “Famblee-site” is our family’s web-site.

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