Saturday, April 28, 2007


At long last, an update of Adobe FlashPlayer is installed on this here rig. I think it’s 9,0,45,0.
In pre-OS-X days, I wasn’t much for installing player updates. It was a reflection that WXXI, the local classical-music radio-station we listen to, wanted yet another RealPlayer to stream its audio-feed. (Every time I wanted to stream it, it wanted another RealPlayer.)
I already had five.
So every time a site suggested a player-update I passed. I wasn’t that desperate.
Recently my friend CG e-mailed a .wmv (Windows Media-Player file).
I had a WMP under 9.2; I got it so I could play Straight’s video of an Amtrak express blasting Claymont-station.
But that WMP was old, and Apple had a new WMP on its downloadable software site.
That there WMP wasn’t there when I went to download it, so I Googled Windows Media-Player, and downloaded it from a MicroSoft-site, I guess.
It was free.
It’s a freestanding app, so currently I play Charlie’s .wmv by opening with WMP (or double-clicking the desktop icon).
So now Suzuki was suggesting an updated FlashPlayer.
Okay; I’ve received enough other solicitations to update FlashPlayer.
So now I open the Suzuki-site, and it prances-and-dances every which way. Fades and shade-rolls; the whole stinkin’ kabosh.
I also went to some .wmv that took at least a minute to load-and-buffer.
Whoop-de-doooooo! Screaming video of screaming cars. Inexplicably it ends in the middle of a river an SX4 is fording at 152 mph. (I have a hunch the wave had a glitch in it — I’ve had others do the same; and yet the audio continues.)
Click the “Take-a-Tour” button and you get a bunch of baloney about “hard-charging life; you work hard, you play hard; shake up the status-quo.”
All we want is acceptable function and no trouble.
The update apparently updated all my browser FlashPlayer players.

  • “CG” is my friend Charlie Gardiner, whom I graduated from Houghton College with back in 1966.
  • “WMP” is of course Windows Media-Player.
  • “Straight” is my younger brother Bill who lives in northern Delaware. He goes by the nickname “Straight-Arrow.”
  • RE: “Amtrak express blasting Claymont-station........” Amtrak’s electrically-powered Northeast-Corridor goes through the old Claymont-station in northern Delaware. The trains go through at about 100 mph.
  • The Suzuki-SX4 is a car we’re considering buying.
  • My brother-in-Delaware has a turbocharged Volvo he claims will do “152” mph.

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