Wednesday, September 04, 2019

“You think too much!”

—The other day it seemed *****, a lifeguard at Canandaigua’s YMCA swimming-pool, skonked my aquacise instructor at that same pool.
I enjoy my friendship with both, surprised to have it after the childhood I endured. I’m a graduate of the Hilda Q. Walton School of Gender Relations . (See footnote below.) “NO PRETTY GIRL WILL BE INTERESTED IN YOU!”
I “fell for” both, for lack of a better term. Yet ***** and I seem to have got past that. Probably because I never had her phone-number.
I have my aquacise instructor’s phone-number from her business-card. Way too many texts, and it seemed she was interested in me. It probably was her way of doing things, but with my background I misread it.
When I walked into the pool-area the other day I didn’t notice ***** until she started pointing at me, smiling.
For a Hilda grad this is amazing!
I decided to let ***** make the first move, instead of me gushing all over her.
Here comes *****, “rotating” (the two lifeguards swap positions after a set time). But she wasn’t avoiding me — she was smiling as she walked toward me.
My aquacise instructor probably noticed. She’s very cute for age-59 or whatever it is. Not a bloated hag with thunder-thighs.
She seems too think herself the pool-cutie, yet here I am attracted to *****.
***** is statuesque. She’s 64, but doesn’t look it on her lifeguard-stand. No thunder-thighs either.
I wanted to also talk to my aquacise instructor, and not about business. But doing so was after a jolly good time with *****. My aquacise instructor seemed a bit put off by my trying to talk to her.
Sometimes I think ***** is using me to skonk my aquacise instructor:  “Think yer the pool-cutie, eh?”
Would I hang out with either one? We’re worlds apart in both cases. Plus I think I would quickly bore ***** to tears.
My aquacise instructor I could hang with, but we’re also worlds apart. She’s the classiest lady I ever met, and I’m the absolute antithesis of class.
Her husband probably gave her an engagement ring, and proposed on bended knee. Not this kid, and not because I was cheap. Can you say “ignorance?”
She’s also not my wife, who was extraordinary.
I like being friends with her, and regret having “fallen for her.” Never again will I do such a thing.
As for *****, our pool friendship is probably as far as we’ll go. I really enjoy it, but beyond that we’d crash.
***** also isn’t my wife. Thankfully I think they’re both married.
—As for my headline I can imagine certain readers telling me “I think too much.” I’ve heard that all my life.
I keep blogging this stuff because I’m so amazed.

• I did aquatic balance training in the Canandaigua YMCA’s swimming-pool 2-3 years or more. I dropped out for the moment so I could try dry-land balance-training at a hospital Physical-Therapy. I continue to use the pool on-my-own.
• Hilda Q. Walton was my immediate neighbor and Sunday-School Superintendent when I was a child. Like my parents she was hyper-religious. She convinced me all males, including me at age-5, were SCUM; “NO PRETTY GIRL WILL TALK TO YOU!” Her husband was probably fooling around. My parents heartily agreed, since I was already rebellious for not worshiping my father.
• RE: “Extraordinary.....” —I always told my wife “what matters is what’s between the ears,” and she had it. Over 75 years I’ve met thousands, and only three females were “extraordinary.” (Only one extraordinary male.)



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