Thursday, January 14, 2021

“I like the bubble”

—A hairdresser (barber) probably reflects the opinions of whoever sits in his chair.
If I were to say “get The Donald out of office before he blows up the entire planet” my hairdresser would probably agree.
Yesterday I heard the other side. An older woman had come early, and was waiting for my hairdresser to finish cutting my hair.
“Antifa,” “Black Lives Matter,” et al. “The triumph of Socialism, our taxes will skyrocket; that Nancy Pelosi is wacko!
Little kids will never understand how to start a business; this country is doomed!
Black people never had it better than under The Donald.
So much for individual initiative: the smart ones get dumbed down, and the dumb ones get elevated.
This country is so divided, there is no way under Heaven we can reunite!”
With that I considered entering the fray, but I didn’t. I figured it was better to lay low.
Somewhat like my aquacise instructor, I possess this feeble hope of reuniting with kindness and compassion.
Not with someone like Rush Limbaugh, et al, to stoke the bigots and extremists.
Trump-supporters seem to be all-knowing knowers of all things.
“Every 10 miles during our drive back from FL, ‘this town for Donald Trump.’ Them Democrats stole the election!
First Texas will secede, but maybe not. A lot of Californians moved there.”
“Maybe I’ll move to Norway,” the lady said.
“Or maybe Sweden,” my hairdresser said. “First I thought Tennessee, but not anymore!”
What usually happens when I hit that hairdresser is I detail my various successes with my lady friends.
“Why in the world they’re interested in a 76-year-old outta-shape geezer I’ll never know. Maybe because I encourage ‘em to talk = talk-talk-talk-talk-talk-talk-talk.”
Not this time!
No lady talk.
I scrunched down in the chair, and I didn’t utter a word. Clearly I was out-numbered. Kindness and compassion are for wusses.
Limberger in highest dudgeon!
Two years ago I was riding the train back after visiting my niece in Fort Lauderdale. I texted that aquacise instructor about how Fort Lauderdale, and where we live in Canandaigua NY, are two different worlds.
“We live in a bubble,” I commented.
“I like the bubble,” my friend said.
Yrs Trly avoids politics and religion in these blogs; but yesterday at my hairdresser was frightening.

• I do aquatic balance training in the Canandaigua YMCA’s swimming-pool, currently one class per week — almost an hour — less than usual due to COVID-19.
• “Limberger” is Rush Limbaugh. I call him that because I think he stinks.


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