Tuesday, December 01, 2020

“You are perfect”

—Yrs Trly paged through an entire Orvis women’s catalog picturing 10 to 15 pretty models in attractive attire. But not one girl looked more attractive than that jogger I met the other day.
The models were meant to look like the girl-next-door, cute but not chesty tarts spilling cleavage all over the page.
They lacked the smile and sparkling eyes of that jogger.
Or was it what she said to me? Telling me she really liked that I struck up a conversation with her.
She smiled and smiled and smiled and smiled. I coulda just passed her and kept going, but after I struck up a conversation she stopped running.
Talk, talk, talk, talk, and talk some more. Just a simple exchange of emotions, whereby we trigger each other.
Yes, I loved listening to her, and I think she loved that a male was more interested in talking to her than sex.
She was attractive, but her smile is what got my attention. Plus the fact she responded so favorably to my striking up a conversation.
My opening line was nothing. But by so doing I was acknowledging her. That struck a chord.
I’ll probably never see her again. They come and they go.
No pretty lady will hang out with you!” Yet there she was, face-to-face, and not trying to leave.
And it was her striking up a conversation when we crossed paths a second time.
So what if we do meet again, and she said hopefully we would. How do I not ruin such good vibes?
I’m not used to this; I have a childhood that declared me disgusting.”
Yet there she was, and I am so glad I struck up a conversation with her.
And she said she was glad I told her that: “You are perfect,” she said.

• Sorry readers, another “relations with the opposite sex.” They keep happening!



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