Sunday, November 22, 2020

Facebook fulminatin’

—“Go ahead, make my day!” yells a hyper-religious friend of mine on Facebook to another friend who had the awful temerity, unmitigated gall, and horrific audacity to question the character of those who support The Donald.
I too find myself wondering about the character of the hyper-religious who support a president hot to grab the privates of starlets.
But if I said anything I’d just be adding to the racket Facebook became.
Wild accusations, misinformation, conspiracies, etc.
A friend of mine, who like me uses her Facebook to project who she is, posts to her Facebook something she actually read.
She usually gets a few responses. But often they’re just a thumbs-up or a “like” or Congrats.” —I’m left wondering if the responder completely read her post.
If a word-generator like me stumbled across her post, I’d say too much. And I no longer respond directly to her Facebook. After all, I delete from my own Facebook. It’s her Facebook.
But she dare not discuss politics, or she’d get a torrent of noisy blustering.
I picture my zealot friend quietly typing anger into his computer keyboard, foaming at a distant friend who also is at home with his computer.
Ever notice how people try to one-up Limberger et al on Facebook?
Or use Facebook to demonstrate their alleged computer prowess?
Some of us aren’t scoring points. Then too, some of us actually think. (Or should I say “think for ourselves,” instead of letting Limberger think for us.)
That friend I mentioned might say something worth hearing, as do others. My deceased wife was like that. Her wit and intelligence would leave the self-declared “genius” behind.
But saying that on Facebook is only adding to the madness Facebook became.
Instead of civil discourse with friends, Facebook takes away diplomacy and tact.
Suddenly our friends can be STUPID!
Ya don’t face-to-face tell someone they’re stupid.

• “Limberger” is Rush Limbaugh. I call him that because I think he stinks.



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