Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Another “relations with the opposite sex”

—“Lemme know if I have this wrong,” I said to my lifeguard friend at Canandaigua’s YMCA swimming-pool.
“If I see a pretty lady running in front of me as I drive Sand Road (that lifeguard runs, as did I years ago), I’m supposed to stop and say hello, hoping you won’t call the sheriff.”
“I’ll know it’s you,” she laughed, waving.
“What if it's not you?” I asked. “The girl calls sheriff, and he drags me off to jail as a ‘prevert’.”
We laughed and laughed and laughed; we were wearing masks, but her eyes gave her away.
This was ***** my pretty lifeguard friend who long ago said hello to me by name, and I managed to crank enough nerve to say hello back — later of course.
I blew that all wrong too, thinking she was interested in me. Bad mistake.
Yet somehow or other she kept talking to me despite all my incredible flubs and faux pas trying to get used to talking to pretty ladies.
One flub was an incredible boner I thought would end our friendship forever.
Yet the next day, here comes *****, like “happy to see ya!”
“If you can forget yesterday,” I thought to myself; “I guess I can too.”
Off we went, boner forgotten.
Yr Fthfl Srvnt decided to not chase ***** yesterday. In the past I always tried too hard to make contact with *****. I noticed if I try too hard I don’t get the eye-contact or smiling I get if I let her run things.
And I love seeing her smile; laughing too.
So we meet in passing; I ain’t chasin’!
I’m not desperate, but I do like shooting the breeze with *****.
Doing so contradicts my childhood, whereby No pretty lady will ever interact with you!”
For 64 years old, ***** is attractive. On her lifeguard stand she looks like she’s in her 40s.
I been attracted to ***** ever since I first started showing up at that swimming-pool two or three years ago. I remember a male friend asking how things were going with my lifeguard honey.
“Lifeguard honey” my foot! Lust at my age (76)? Get real, dudes!
But I DO like talking with her, and I think she likes talking with me.
She isn’t avoiding me.

• I do aquatic balance training in the Canandaigua YMCA’s swimming-pool, currently one class per week — almost an hour — less than usual due to COVID-19.
• “Prevert” is how the hyper-religious zealots at my college mispronounced “pervert.”



Blogger Susan said...

That word, really?

Hats off to *****! Women can be so forgiving.

Every chance you take is a win. Glad you are out there taking them!.

3:21 AM  

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