Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Thank goodness I know a little HTML

—“Why, pray tell, would it do that?” I asked myself.
I was assembling my giant Train-chase from Hell blog comprised of 14-15 files = a file for each photo, and there were 14 photos.
The first file went on correct, everything aligned flush-left.
But then all the text under the second photo was align-center — centered in the column, with widows and orphans standing out.
Widows/orphans are one or two words at the end of a paragraph that hang below the paragraph.
I don’t worry about widows/orphans as long as they’re flush-left. At the Mighty Mezz a page-editor would go back through the paragraph to take out a word or two, and thereby kick the widow/orphan up into the paragraph.
But if that widow/orphan is centered instead of flush-left it stands out like a sore thumb.
My knowledge of HTML is tiny. I go by how the HTML displays my blog.
I know <br> prompts a one-line paragraph drop, and <p> is two lines.
<i> and </i> begin and end italic text, and <b> and </b> begin and end bold text.
<u> and </u> begin and end underlining.
I also know other HTML tags, like for photographs and links. (“Train-chase from Hell” is a link.)
I also have one for blog-rules, e.g.:

All were copy/pasted (stolen) from an HTML book.
I also made my own HTML tag to defeat Internet-Explorer’s mucking up my blog.
That was years ago. Hopefully Gates and his cronies have made IE better. (My browser is not Internet-Explorer.)
I studied BlogSpot’s picture-tag. It had “text-align = center”.
WHAT? Engage “try it and see what happens.”
I took out “align = center,” then published.
All the text below that second photo was flush-left.
AMAZING = just an experiment.
Guess I gotta take “align = center” out of 12 more HTML picture tags.
“Try it and see what happens” is the way I learned computering and my iPhone.

• The “Mighty Mezz” is the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, from where I retired almost 15 years ago. BEST job I ever had. I was employed there almost 10 years — over 11 if you count my time as a post-stroke unpaid intern. (I had a heart-defect caused stroke October 26th, 1993, from which I recovered fairly well. That defect was repaired.)



Blogger Unknown said...

GEEZ -- I don't even know what HTML stands for -- sure is Greek to me! Bottom line, how it looks in the picture or how it reads. You sure go in for details which takes a lot of time!!

Janet Mamula

10:59 PM  

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