Monday, February 10, 2020

My latest female adventure

—“Got anyone lined up yet to use that restaurant gift-card?”
That would be my lifeguard friend at the Canandaigua YMCA swimming-pool, where I do aquatic balance-training.
She got me a restaurant gift-card in exchange for an extra train-calendar. And I was stupid enough to tell her the one I most wanted to use it with was her.
She’s married of course.
I was sure I’d crash, but telling her that was the only way she’d know.
I told her I was considering others, but they weren’t her.
My first choice after her is another married lady, but her husband is in a nursing-home. He had a stroke. I had one myself (see footnote below), and we talk about that a lot.
I worked with that lady at the Messenger newspaper, so I think she won’t perceive me a lonely hot-to-trot widower.
I’ve had it happen. Suggest a widow join us bereavers on our weekly eat-out, and “uh-ohhh......”
I’ve tried perhaps 10. So far only one worked. I’m sure I’m going about it wrong, but another friend says “just ask.”
Perhaps I should be more oblivious to the boy-girl schtick; but where did that get me with that lifeguard?
My lifeguard friend is striking for her age. But really we’re only pool-friends. At that restaurant I’m sure I’d quickly bore her to tears.
I’ve been alone and on-my-own almost eight years. I’m not lonely, and I’m not bored. I’m so squashed for time I’m lucky if I get to bed by midnight. —And I never watch TV.
I am who I am, and I’m better off alone.
Lady-friends are funlet ‘em talk, make ‘em laugh. Men are likely to pull macho on ya, but I have a few men friends.
So goes my lifeguard friend. I lost the eye-contact. I shouldna asked. I’m not sure I wanna ask my Messenger friend.

• I do aquatic balance training in the Canandaigua YMCA’s swimming-pool, two hour classes per week — plus a third hour on my own.
• My brother and I photograph trains down near Altoona PA, where the old Pennsylvania Railroad crossed Allegheny Mountain. The railroad is now Norfolk Southern. Every year I take 13 of our 89 bazilyun photographs to assemble into a calendar — I do it with Shutterfly. I give those calendars out as Christmas presents.
• I had a stroke October 26th, 1993 from an undiagnosed heart-defect since repaired. I pretty much recovered. Just tiny detriments; I can pass for never having had a stroke.



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