Sunday, February 03, 2019

The Algorithm

My cousin in NC, with whom I happen to be Facebook “Friends,” posted something about Facebook’s algorithm that limits posts to yer “home-page” to about 25 “friends.”
I guess it’s keeps yer home-page from having a deluge of posts from every one of yer “friends.” I only have 58; some have thousands.
Supposedly this algorithm is secret. Although I first heard about it some time ago from another “friend” with whom I attended high-school.
LA-DEE-DAH! I never look at my home-page, and only occasionally at my Facebook. I have better things to do than view dancing-cat videos or red-colored “congrats.”
Facebook is boring as Hell. I regularly fire up only one “friend,” because what she posts is often worth viewing. I also fire up FB “notifications.”
The fact I even have a Facebook is due to a fast-one by SuckerBird and his cronies. I’m occasionally tempted to kill it, but don’t, because so many of my real friends have Facebooks.
Facebook seems to have become what e-mail coulda been. E-mail can’t crunch long videos. I hafta downsize photos for e-mail. If too large they won’t send.
A while ago I discovered my nephew and his wife had a baby three years earlier. It was noted via Facebook. Far-be-it a first-born who diapered my younger siblings expect a non-Facebook announcement. The fact I don’t Facebook means I’m rebellious and stupid. Better to line SuckerBird’s pockets!
My Facebook is probably 10 years old. But I’ve only done one “share,” and two Facebook “likes.” What little I post goes directly to a “friend’s” “timeline;” which I think is what Facebook was originally. The “timeline” is what used to be a “friend’s” “wall” — or so it seems.
Now it’s so complicated I pay little attention.
My NC “friend” suggested “copy/paste” instead of “share,” since “share” can be algorithmed (she says), and “copy/paste” can’t. I’m lost, but don’t care since I hardly do anything with Facebook.
“Wondrous technology,” an actual friend comments. “And what do we get? Videos of dancing cats.”

• “SuckerBird” is Mark Zuckerberg, founder and head-honcho of Facebook.



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