Wednesday, February 08, 2017


.....said my friend **** ********, president and head-honcho of ******** ***** Pet Grooming in nearby Canandaigua. They groom and daycare my dog.
The other day was ****’s birthday. She fired up Google for some reason, and hovered her mouse over “Google.”
It flashed “Happy Birthday” at her.
At this point my friend in Syracuse would say “kewel.”
I side with ****. SNOOP ALERT!
Her husband ****, who helps her out, and helps this aging geezer stay in his house.....
.....reported he ordered parts for his lawnmower from Sears.
Almost immediately Facebook was entreating he buy tools from Sears.
We glanced at the sprinklers in the ceiling of  their shop.
“They may look like sprinklers,” I observed; “but actually they’re NSA microphones.”
A couple weeks ago I online ordered a Bearcat radio-scanner from Home-Depot.
After ordering I switched to Facebook. There, on the right side, was a Home-Depot ad exhorting me to buy a scanner.
As I enter the nearby supermarket I can watch myself on video, hobbling behind my wussy-kart.
They’re watching us everywhere.
My niece’s daughter visited the White House in Washington DC. While there she uttered the word “assassinate.”
“Don’t say that!” she was told. Secret Service appear, Uzis drawn.
Years ago Railroaders Memorial Museum in Altoona, PA put in a webcam at Horseshoe Curve. Video streamed live from the Mighty Curve.
My wife and I visited, and looked for that webcam.
After finding it, I called my brother-in-Boston.
“Fire up the Curve webcam!” I shouted.
We thereafter waved.
“Chop-chop!” my brother exclaimed. “Lazy, no-good, layabouts!”
A lady wondered what we were doing.
“That’s the webcam up there,” I pointed. “Yer all over the Internet.”
“Wait a minute,” she said. “Let me comb my hair.”

• RE: “wussy-kart.......” —Most supermarkets now have small shopping-carts that don’t hold anywhere near as much as the big carts. My siblings call ‘em “wussy-karts.
• My wife of over 44 years died of cancer April 17th, 2012. I miss her immensely.

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