Tuesday, October 13, 2015

“Every time I come here....

.....I leave with more knowledge of my iPhone,” I said to the solitary clerk at “PC & Wireless Shop” in Canandaigua.
I came with a question about my iPhone GPS apps, like how I had gotten Google-Maps to prompt through the phone, instead of my car’s speakers; yet still take BlueTooth phonecalls through my car.
With Apple-Maps I have to turn off BlueTooth. I also wondered if I could get Apple-Maps to do the same as Google-Maps.
The poor guy was flustered. Did I want Google-Maps to prompt through my car?
No. As a stroke-survivor I get this a lot, inability to make myself clear.
I didn’t wanna change anything. All I wanted to know was how I could.
Poking around: “Oh, I see you have a lotta apps on,” he said.
He started shutting things off; it’s just a finger-swipe.
“Wait a minute,” I said. “What are you doing? I’m not familiar.”
He showed me what apps were still on.
“So how do I get to that?” I asked.
“Just double-click the ‘home’ button.”
“I thought switching apps shut off the app you were in.”
“No, it doesn’t. That app will run until ya swipe it off.”
Another iPhone trick gleaned unexpected from PC & Wireless, where i bought the phone because they’re allied with Verizon, my cellphone provider.
I suppose I could pose my questions to some pimply geek at the Apple-store, or take an iPhone course.
All I want are answers, not a sales-pitch. Just because I don’t fully understand my iPhone-6, doesn’t mean I want the new 6s.
And I can imagine trying to get answers at a Verizon-store. Get in line. Take a number.
And of course being a stroke-survivor means I can’t handle a SmartPhone. Like I should drive a 50-year-old rotary.
PC & Wireless also answered my GPS question. There was a a “Settings” in there, and often as a stroke-survivor I don’t see such things.
Visual overload!

• I have a friend whose wife got mad at her Dell computer. So she went out and bought another Dell. Go figure!



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