Thursday, October 09, 2014

Let ‘er rip!

This morning Garrison Keillor on Writer’s Almanac mentioned some writer who said: “One never knows what to write about, until your head starts writing it for you.”
“Yep,” I said. “That’s how it works. These blogs start writing themselves in my head. I’m just along to exercise a modicum of control. Grammar and syntax; that’s about all I do.
People occasionally take me to task. “The things write themselves,” I say. “I’m just along for the ride.”
Yesterday afternoon a guy cut me off with his car. Almost immediately a blog started writing itself in my head.
I’m hoping I can get to it in a day or two.
The opening lines of a blog bubble up in my head, and I usually do whatever polishing is needed.
After that, the words flow out on their own.
Usually some explaining is necessary. I do that, and then I just let the words follow.
It isn’t like I’m following a written outline, although an outline of sorts is in my head.
There are things I feel I should mention, and often they get forgotten until I finish, when they get added as asides.
I may have to dicker to get the aside added.
Often what I write goes off in a direction I hadn’t planned.
Usually I just let it go, but if it’s really off-the-wall I’ll dump it.
70 years I’ve been on this planet, and for whatever reason a surfeit of stories is in my head.
Crazed experiences and utter madness.
“Blog-material,” I call it.
Of course, my blog is just a cheap-shot. It ain’t War and Peace.
To write something like that would be arduous work.
Writing whatever pops into my head is easy — and fun.


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