Sunday, March 02, 2014


Why are these people the same grinning Cheshire-cats as in my “Flirting is ageless” ads?

Yesterday (Saturday, March 1st, 2014) I received an invitation in my mail to tear up my AARP-card — which I’m not even a member of —  and join something called “Association of Mature American Citizens” (AMAC).
A so-called “conservative alternative to AARP.”
A gigantic letter was enclosed, detailing all the so-called slights of AARP.
Well, HEXX-KUZE ME, but it sounded like a Tea-Party diatribe.
“ObamaCare has failed,” it screamed.
Like what, pray tell, does that have to do with AARP?
Of course ObamaCare has failed, as has Obama.
He’s not part of the Kiwanian establishment that has run this country for years.
In fact, he’s the wrong race! He’s not even a honky.
IMAC of course states Social-Security benefits shouldn’t be taxed.
Yet McDonnell-Douglas and Lockheed-Martin should remain on corporate welfare. Our guys in Benzes and BMWs are more legitimate than mommas in welfare-Cadillacs.
I don’t think you’re gonna be able to continue corporate-welfare without taxing Social-Security.
A friend pointed out President Reagan had the borrowing-limit raised 11 times. As I recall, Dubya had the borrowing-limit raised at least once, without drama or histrionics, and probably more often than that.
Yet Obama tries to get the debt-ceiling raised and Boehner and his lackeys go ballistic and hold the American-public hostage.
Regrettably, I shredded the solicitation almost immediately. I shouldn’t have, so I could recount some of the insanity therein.
Another friend sent me an Internet-listing of accomplishments of Obama.
The national-debt is down, unemployment is down, and public optimism is up. All these so-called “improvements” are slight, but they came during political gridlock in Washington.
Would that I hadn’t shredded the solicitation. It would have made laughable reading.
What I remember most was “LIES! LIES! LIES! LIES!”
With that they gave themselves away. In the shredder!


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