Saturday, November 06, 2010

How soon they forget

Two years ago this nation was on the brink of an economic depression more severe than the Great Depression.
The outrageous bubble created by the bloated fat-cats was suddenly deflating, crashing like a house-of-cards.
Dubya moved quickly to rescue his friends, with TARP bailouts.
The electorate rose up and threw out the Republicans, electing the country’s first president-of-color.
He had an unenviable task; try to stave off depression.
That depression didn’t happen, largely due to government spending.
Job-growth always lags these turnarounds, so the people that elected Obama stayed home in the most recent election.
Obama took a “shellacking.”
The people that voted, mostly white middle-class men, reinstated the Republicans.
The Republicans could capitalize on the growth of the deficit that spending caused, and the lagging job-growth.
“We can’t celebrate until every American is back to work,”John Boehner said.
What he should have said — and may have thought — is “We can’t celebrate until -a) the fat-cats are back to making a killing, -b) people are back homeless on the street, and -c) people are going without healthcare.”
What he probably thought is “We can’t celebrate until a Republican is in the White-House.”
Having not occurred, that looming depression was forgotten.

• “Dubya” is George W. Bush, our previous president; proclaimed by my siblings as “the greatest president of all time.”



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