Saturday, December 12, 2009

Another Dubya sticker sighting

I happened to patronize the Canandaigua Tops the other afternoon (Friday, December 11, 2009).
Tops has pedestrian lanes out into their parking-lot from the store entrance.
They’re clearly marked with yellow vertical signs saying “stop for pedestrians.”
They have a small red octagonal stop-sign on the sign.
I’ve stopped there in my car for pedestrians myself; shoppers leaving the store.
Leaving the store I amble gingerly into the pedestrian lane.
But I see Granny is madly approaching in her dark-maroon salt-encrusted Geo.
Oh well, “stop for pedestrians,” but Granny will have none of it.
I stop to avoid getting hit, and Granny roars by, waving as if to thank me.
WOOPS! The exit light is red, so I wonder if Granny will stop for it.
NOPE! She blasts ahead without stopping: right-on-red.
Sure enough! “Bush-Cheney 2004” on the trunk-lid.
The social compact is an impediment!

• “Canandaigua” (“cannon-DAY-gwuh”) is a small city nearby where we live in Western NY. The city is also within a rural town called “Canandaigua.” The name is Indian, and means “Chosen Spot.” —It’s about 15 miles away.
• “Tops” is a large supermarket-chain based in Buffalo we occasionally buy groceries at. They have a store in Canandaigua.


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