Monday, March 23, 2009

The evil whoever

During my final years of employ at the mighty Mezz, a fellow named ???????????????? came to work in the Sports department.
I used the call him “Cheese-Head,” although never to his face, for fear of fisticuffs.
He was apparently originally from Wisconsin, and was a Green Bay Packers fan.
He apparently came down from Alaska, thinking he would be made Sports-Editor of the mighty Mezz.
But he wasn’t, despite a hugely inflated ego.
It was just as well. A requirement of newspaper production was precise factuality, and ???????????????? felt this was beneath his vast greatness.
By then I was doing the Messenger web-site, and was trying to fly a sports-pik or two, since the photography was so good.
???????????????? would write the captions for them, and they had numerous spelling and factual errors.
I didn’t change captions myself, so I’d call up ????????????????.
He’d bite my head off! So misspellings and factual errors had been published in the newspaper; SO WHAT!
My pointing them out was galling. After all, I was just a mere peon — not as great as him.
Most memorable was his claim that the girl for him was Jennifer Aniston — like, get real, ????????????????. (He was built like a fireplug.)
Another memory was his self-proclaimed supremacy tossing the discus. He’d go out and practice — claimed he was gonna win the senior discus-throw.
Not too long after I retired, the newspaper was sold to Gatehouse Publications; no longer the Canandaigua-based Ewing (“YEW-ing”) family.
???????????????? was let go; not fired, he insisted; laid off.
A guy who had been Sports-Editor at the mighty Mezz, and since has become Sports-Editor at a newspaper in Danville, VA, has a Facebook account, and regales me with ???????????????? tales.
It was was he that described him as “the evil ????????????????;” which I like.
Apparently ???????????????? hired on at the Canandaigua Wal*Mart, in the Garden department.
Became a supervisor, of sorts.
Was tendered keys, I’m told; a reflection of his vast greatness.
A Canandaigua friend of my Facebook friend witnessed ???????????????? walking the aisles in Wal*Mart, muttering to himself about his having keys.
“That guy was a piece of work,” my friend said.

  • The “mighty Mezz” (“Messenger”) is the Canandaigua Daily-Messenger newspaper, from where I retired over three years ago. Best job I ever had.
  • “Pik” is picture; photograph.

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