Sunday, February 24, 2008

two answers

The other night (I think Friday, February 22, 2008) the local TV-news we watch was doing a live broadcast from a faraway news site, and the earpiece fell out of the reporter’s ear.
“Excuse me while I reinsert my earpiece.”
An on-air discussion followed as to the kerreck nomenclature for the earpiece, which was a three-letter acronym, and no one knew what the letters stood for.
Time passed, and apparently an engineer (“oh-my-golly”) was consulted — he rendered two opposing answers as to what the letters stood for.
Were we the least bit surprised?
Leave it to an engineer to produce two opposite answers.
They all chuckled knowingly and then the station-manager declared what the letters stood for.

  • My loudmouthed macho brother-from-Boston was trained as an engineer, and noisily claims superiority. I majored in History, so am therefore vastly inferior.
  • “Oh-my-golly” is something my mother would say.

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