Saturday, December 22, 2007

Two things

-1) Rejected!
The other night (Thursday, December 20, 2007) the local TV-news we watch (WHAM; Channel 13) did a “Bright Spot” about young boys constructing Blue-Jay birdhouses.
Some lady was being interviewed and said Blue-Jays reject a birdhouse if it wasn’t made precisely enough.
“Uh-oh, Dora; we gotta move. I detect a 64th-inch gap in this corner-seam where somebody oversanded.”
“REEEE-JECTED! Boy that’s gotta hurt, Jeb.”
“Mr. Hughes; can you please watch the news without snide remarks.......”

-2) Thank ya, Gates.
I have noticed our cellphones are quite unpredictable.
Shut-down is supposed to cycle a shut-down screen and chimes.
But often it doesn’t.
The phone shuts down, but without its little dance.
The other hairball is after charging.
Pull out the charger and the phone turns on.
Ain’t supposed to.
Who programmed these things, Microsoft?

  • “REEEE-JECTED! Boy that’s gotta hurt, Jeb........” is a line from a “Just-For-Men” TV-ad. The protagonist (a graybeard) was making a pass at “little Miss Hotty” in a bar. He needed to apply “Just-For-Men” to be successful, whereupon “little Miss Hotty” threw him on the floor.
  • RE: “Thank ya, Gates.........” —All my siblings use PCs, but I use a MAC, so am therefore reprehensible. (Bill Gates is the president of Microsoft.)

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